Attack On Camp

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Midoryia found himself unable to sleep unless he got fresh blood. It was the only way he could fall asleep.

After 2 nights(day 1 and 2 of the camp) of testing that theory he figured it out.

Midoryia woke up Wednesday morning feeling nice. He walked outside.

It was like yesterday just repeated itself.
Mandalay shouted for everyone to wake up as the stations were up for everyone to use. But the only difference this time was the difficulty in the training increased.

Midoryia groaned as he started the exercise.

Through out the day Midoryia continued his exercises. He thought about the interaction between himself and the vanguard action squad.

Why were they there?

"Hm. First they don't know who I am then they don't tell me why they're here. If anything it felt like they still didn't believe me when I said I was apart of the league. Why wouldn't Shigaraki tell them who I am and why would he send them here knowing well I'm here? It doesn't make sense.
If anything they're gonna attack soon.

But why?" Midoryia thought to himself as he did his 100th push up.

"You okay Midoryia? You look deep in thought" mandalay said as she looked over everyone. "Hm? I'm fine sorry, I'm just tired" Midoryia forced out a chuckle.

"Oh alright then" mandalay said walking off.

Midoryia continued his work out as did the rest of the class.

"If you work hard today we're gonna play a game at the end of the day!" Mandalay shouted. The class paused and looked at her. They were all sweaty and exhausted, they didn't even want to play the game.

"Come one don't give me that look, just wait til it's night fall. It's gonna be you all vs class B!" Mandalay added.

"Rivalry in the dark" Tokoyami said in his cave of darkness.

Eventually the night fall came. Midoryia was fully showered, cleaned, and full of food.

He waited outside for the rest of his class.

Soon they came.
"Okay everyone! This is how it's going to work. Class 1-B is going to be the scarers the first round of this, they'll be all scattered around the loop of this thick forest brush. Class 1-As job is find all 5 flags scattered around and make it back while watching out for class 1-B! You'll all go in pairs.

Understand?" She explained. Everyone nodded their heads yes and went to pick a pair from a random basket.

Midoryia pulled out his own name.

"Right sorry to randomly come in but those who failed the exam can't be participating in this" Aizawa said snatching them and walking away.

They all groaned as they were dragged away.

Midoryia let out a relieved sigh as he realized he was paired with himself.
"Alright! Lets get started!" Mandalay said sending the first pair into the forest.

After a couple pairs went in it was finally Midoryia's time to go in.
He wasn't too worried.

As he was walking through the smell of smoke and burning trees started to become more and more prevalent.
"Are they already attacking. Wow" Midoryia sighed to himself as he pulled out a blood packets from his pocket and drank it.

"VILLAINS ARE ATTACKING THE CAMP!! RUN TO THE MAIN CABINS NOW!" Mandalay screamed in telepath. The class in the forest began to panic as they went and tried to run.

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