Analyst vs Analyst

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"You've killed people before" hawks said. After that there was a deafening silence that followed. Midoryia was confused, why would hawks want him if he's killed before??

"I- uh sir? Why does my past have to do with this??" Midoryia asked. "Well at UA I know your under high surveillance as they try to make sure you don't kill anything right?" Hawks asked.

"Well yes? But I wouldn't kill people again, it was a past mistake" Midoryia lied. "Why did you kill though?" Hawks was trying to pry, Midoryia don't know why.

"I needed food, I drink blood. If I don't get any I go crazy" Midoryia replied.
"So I'm assuming you brought your lunch for the week in that bag?" Hawks asked.
"Yes?" Midoryia said pulling out a blood bag.

"Good! Sorry if things got weird or if I bothered you asking questions haha I just wanted to see if my prediction was correct" Hawks said changing the subject. "Oh it's fine" Midoryia said.

"Anyways, from what I saw you have more than enough training to be able to get straight to the patrols! You can fly right?" Hawks asked. "Yes".

"Good because we're going on a food hunt!" Hawks said grabbing Midoryia's wrist and dragging him out the door.
"A food hunt??" Midoryia yelled as Hawks dragged him through the front door of the agency building and began to fly.

"Yes of course!" Hawks said stopping in the air and dropping Midoryia. Midoryia caught himself using his quirk.

"It's a simple game really and it's a 3 in one! As we look for food we save people we see need help. At the same time we'll be racing.  It can be any food place as long as it has chicken on the menu, as you can see.
Hosu doesn't have many restaurants...

So that's what makes it fun!
You can help anyone that looks like they need help. Even if it's something as simple as getting an old lady across the street. Now" hawks explained the rules to Midoryia as they flew above the the roof of the agency.

"Wear these, it'll help when you fly so you don't get stuff in your eyes" hawks said handing Midoryia a pair of goggles.
"Oh that, you don't have to worry thanks for the thought though" Midoryia said as he made his hand smoke and showed it to hawks.

"Suit yourself. Now.

On your marks.
Get ready.

GO!!" Hawks shouted. Midoryia turned into dark smoke completely and zoomed through the air as hawks gained speed by flapping his large wings.

"Hawks isn't as serious as I thought he would be for the number 3 hero. Though he is young so that makes sense. He might become a problem for me in the future, he's strong and his analytic skills are plain obvious. Those questions he asked weren't just to see if his 'prediction' was right. They were specific questions to see how I'd react to my past, if I reacted too casually it'd be obvious I'm still out for revenge. No one talks about a past of someone who's killed and expect that person to be okay with what happened.

No, he's picked me for something completely different than what he said.
He's trying to figure out my true intentions. I can't let him do that, I'll get my quirk taken away again and put under even more surveillance. Can't have that happening.

I'll have to keep his suspicions down low" Midoryia thought to himself as he zoomed through the city helping anyone he found. He had a lingering feeling hawks was going to ask something about those he helped.

Hawks had given Midoryia a way to call him when he finds said restaurant.
Midoryia didn't care about helping the people, though he had to make it seem that way. After all, he had a feeling that hawks was watching.

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