Villain Vs Hero Training Session

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The unexplainable death of Ectoplasm was put under high investigation. They looked through all the cameras, looked for any evidence that could lead them to someone, but they couldn't figure it out.

"But I remember talking to ectoplasm. He didn't return to the bathroom after that..." All might said. "It is possible the one behind this has a transformation quirk" Nezu commented.

"But on the camera here they literally just disappear. How can one have multiple quirks, I'd doubt transformation has anything to due with teleportation" Aizawa said. "You make a valid point. Whoever killed ectoplasm is surely strong." Nezu sighed.

"Didn't you say there were 2 bite marks on Ectoplasm's neck and that's where all the blood was drained?
There wasn't any blood on the floor which means someone or something took it" midnight said. "I'll have to do more research on this matter, Though school still needs to be open tomorrow so I want you all to guard your students from this new appearance. Students can't go to the bathroom unless they're in pairs and neither can you teachers go to the bathroom alone." Nezu said.

Aizawa internally groaned. "Meeting dismissed" Nezu said.


The sun was well set. Darkness coveted the entire country of Japan. It's now Midoryia's hunting time...

"I want fooood. But I don't have any blood bags to drink out of. I'll have to go kill someone for food I guess. This time I'll do it way less obvious, I swear I don't know how they haven't figured out it's me yet. 1, a corpse goes missing, 2, ectoplasm dies with 2 bite marks. 3, Kachaan claims he saw me. And 4, I wrote I'm back in the board. They must be dumber than a tin can if they can't piece these thing together" Midoryia thought to himself as he got dressed. He didn't really have an official villain outfit yet but he wanted one. In the meantime he just wore a black hoodie, black sweat pants, gloves, and a hat.

Midoryia got dressed and walked out of the League's base. It was only 8:30pm, quite early in the night. But Midoryia wanted to finish up early so he could go to sleep.

Midoryia transformed into a bat and flew around, he was scouting for any possible victim. Down in an alleyway he saw someone just chilling there for an unknown reason. Midoryia swooped down and transformed back into his normal form scaring the person. They tried to run away but Midoryia pounced on them before they got the chance. Midoryia then but down on the victims neck finishing them off.

Aizawa just so happened to be on shift at the time.

Midoryia got off the dead corpse after finishing off all the blood within the body. He was about to fly again when he realized for some unknown reason that suddenly his quirk wasn't working. Midoryia turned around and made direct eye contact with none other that Aizawa.

Midoryia's general body shape was covered as well as his hair, his face changed a bit and it was dark so Aizawa hardly recognized the teen.

"You're the one responsible for killing Ectoplasm aren't you... That person behind you just died the same way he did" Aizawa hissed. Midoryia distorted his voice before replying, "yes and what's the big deal?"

"You just murder some people and asked whats the big deal?! It is a big deal, because you trespassed into our private property and killed someone within it....
Where is all the blood going?" Aizawa asked. Midoryia chuckled, his fangs baring whenever he opened his mouth. Aizawa could only see glimpses of his fangs within the darkness.

"I thought UA was smarter than this. How pathetic. Though at least it makes sense." Midoryia laughed. "What makes sense?!" Aizawa hissed. "Mhmm nothing~ anyways you should piece things together maybe then you'll figure out where the blood is going" Midoryia chuckled jumping off.

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