Trust gain

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The sports festival was still weeks away. There was quite a big gap until the long awaited day would come.
Midoryia sat in the  sun lit classroom, completely fine because of the indestructible bracelet. He liked the gadget a lot, his only worry being if it was able to track him.

Though it didn't, but Midoryia didn't trust it too much. He had already finished his lunch and was vacantly using his phone, he obviously didn't want to go down to the cafeteria. The amount of negative memories down their alone could trigger him if someone tried to pull something.

Midoryia would be rewarded with the type O- blood once he got home.

As Midoryia was using his phone he heard 3 people speed walking down the hall coming towards the room. The foot steps sounded too familiar for Midoryia, he tensed up ready to fight. Slipping his phone into his pocket and readying his body.

Though when the 3 people walked in he was shocked that it wasn't who he expected.

His parents and Aizawa were the ones standing at the door.
"..he really is alive.." Hisashi commented. Inko began to 'cry' at the sight of her very much alive son.

"Will he be able to come back and live with us?!" She asked. ".... Due to some.
Reports and private information I cannot allow him to return to your house hold." Aizawa said. Midoryia internally sighed in relief, those tears Inko was crying weren't real.

She could pull off an act so smooth people wouldn't suspect it. Though Midoryia could see right through it, it just took 1 glance at her eyes to see her true intentions.

"What do you mean?! He's my son I have all rights to him!" She yelled. Midoryia's ears were sensitive due to being at such a heightened sense. He blocked them and walked further down the room.

"Why does he look a little different?" Hisashi asked.
"It's his choice to tell you that, but he will not be coming to your house hold." Aizawa said.

"Izuku dear, tell this man that you want to come back. And why do you look different?" Inko said, her voice dripping with hidden malice.

Midoryia sighed and turned to face his parents. "The reason I look different is because I died, that's it. The only reason I'm back is because uh, someone revived me. And sorry, but I really don't want to return to the house..." Midoryia said.

He had to lie about his quirk, if he told his parents he got a quirk not only would the abuse worsen he'd be a forcefully trained harder than he could handle. He was doing it to protect himself. He also knew that if he said he was okay with returning that Aizawa would think he meant it.

With how Inko was looking... Midoryia knew she wanted nothing more than to hurt him in 12 different ways possible.

"Izuku dear what do you mean you don't want to return? We're your parents" Inko said through forced teeth. Midoryia looked over to Aizawa in a basic, help me out plead. Aizawa picked up on it and took the conversation from there.

"Ma'am even if he wanted to return due to policies he legally isn't allowed to" Aizawa said. "And why's that, he isn't a villain or anyone special?!" She yelled.
"No. That's exactly what he was." Aizawa sighed and took a deep breath in. "Look, the reason he can't return is because he's under high surveillance due to the fact he is a former Villain. He's killed 11 people but not under his own control, because of that he's getting reformed here. He needs extra surveillance that you can't provide. Now please stop before I get security to force you out".

"...he's a former villain? He's killed?! No son of MINE is a psychopath.
Come on Hisashi, we don't want him anymore" Inko said her nice facade disappearing instantly. Hisashi nodded his head in agreement and stormed out of the room with Inko.

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