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**This is the last chapter of Love and Lies! I hope everyone has a great Christmas! Please let me know if you love Hannah and Tyler as much as I do!**


(1 year and five months later)

Hannah's POV

Today's our one year anniversary. We've been married for an entire year. It seems crazy to me that we've been married this long. Tyler's at work right now and I'm at our home. We finished with the actual building and construction of it about a month ago, and we finally moved in last week. It's perfect, with eight bedrooms, five and a half bathrooms, a full kitchen, a big living room. Everything is perfect.

Our wedding day was so amazing , we got married at a beautiful forest and winery location and I loved it. I loved my dress, I loved his tux, I loved everything. I'm graduating soon, and I'm happy. We had to move to Atlanta for his company and I'm strictly learning online but I just wish he'd come home. I work part time at a restaurant in town but I do miss the diner and Laura too.

He still works part time at the police station, he still runs his company but he's always working. He got out of physical therapy a few months ago, and he's back to his regular self after a year of hard work. He's actually better, he's stronger in my opinion.

Now, I'm sitting on the couch with Rex in my lap as I watch TV. I know I'm lame, but Tyler's been at work for ten damn hours. Ten, and we didn't even get to see much of each other last night, he was to busy working. He's turning into a workaholic businessman.

I sigh as I sit up and my belly rumbles for the tenth time. You'd think a whole bag of pizza bagels this morning, chicken pasta for lunch, and an entire half pan of brownies an hour ago would keep me full since it's only two. I don't even know what's wrong with me.

I go into the kitchen and find a container of Tyler's almonds before eating some and then the smell of Rex's dog treats on the counter hits me. I feel like I'm about to vomit. I sprint to our bedroom and rush to the toilet before launching my stomach contents into it. I gag and puke for a solid two minutes as I can't control the reflex to get that smell out of my system.

Pulling away and wiping my mouth with toilet paper I reach under the sink to find disinfectant spray and wipes to clean the toilet. Then I see the package of pads, my period is late. I was supposed to start it three weeks ago, and the pads aren't touched.

I smile as I look at them. I stopped taking birth control two months ago when Tyler and I decided to start a family. But I didn't even think about being pregnant. I rip open one of the pregnancy tests I bought a year ago when my period was late, I hope it's still in date. I started my period the same time I was going to take this test, so I never used it.

I open the packaging and clean the toilet before sitting down and peeing on the stick. I cap it off before putting it on the sink and cleaning myself up. I brush my teeth, and then pull my hair into a bun as I set my phone timer for five minutes.

These are the longest five minutes of my life.

I contemplate calling Tyler but then, surprising him if I am pregnant will make my year. I don't know what to do. I can't contain how excited I am as I wait. I just hope that this time, I take care of myself and don't have a miscarriage. I will not ever do that to myself again. I refuse to be so malnourished that I can't even take care of myself.

I stay quiet as I move out of the bathroom. I don't want to look yet. I don't know if I should without Tyler. The answer is made for me when the alarm goes off and Rex starts barking meaning Tyler's home. I take my phone and hop off the bed as I walk through the house into the kitchen to see him bending down petting Rex.

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