Chapter 37

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Hannah's POV

I wake up suddenly from beside Tyler's bed as I feel abdominal pain in my stomach. My back suddenly hurts and I can feel the pain radiating through it. Something's not okay. My stomach hurts worse than it does on my period.

I stand up slowly and avoid Rex asleep on Tyler's bed as I make my way to the bathroom. When I do I see the clock and sigh, today's my twenty first birthday and I should get getting a drink with Sofia and Jessie but I'm not. I've been in this room for weeks with him.

Sofia has visited everyday with Shawn since I told her about Tyler, and so has Jessie. They have brought me clothes, my school supplies, everything I need to live in this room with Tyler. It's been days, and he still hasn't woken up, his brain condition has improved but he still isn't awake.

I drop my shorts and go to the bathroom as I sit down and more stomach cramps hit. These aren't normal at all, these are so bad. I hold my stomach in pain as I grab my back with the other one. I have to catch my breath as I try to breathe. The only thing I have ate in days has been a pack of crackers, and a banana. I just can't even do it anymore and my body physically aches. I've lost at least ten pounds and I don't care. I just want Tyler back.

I keep my eyes closed until my dizzy spell stops and I pee. But the pain only gets worse. I grab toilet paper and wipe myself and cry when I see huge clumps of blood and then I look into my pajama shorts and see huge stains. This isn't my period, it's not due for two more weeks. Something is wrong.

I wipe again as more and more clumps of blood come out and I can't control the pain I'm in. I need help, and I grab the call light from the shower and click it several times as the nurse knocks and comes into the room.

"Mrs. Bolton?" She asks as I cry, "Please help me!" I yell as she rushes into the bathroom and grabs her pager, she immediately calls the doctor as she sees the blood. She has to know something is wrong.

"I can't stop bleeding, my stomach hurts, my backs in so much pain and I don't know what's happening" I tell her as she grabs gloves and moves to me.

"Will you please open your legs?" She asks as she drops to her knees and I nod. I open them as she takes a look and I see her face. Her look tells me something is wrong.

"Mrs. Bolton, you're clotting, have you been taking any new medications, maybe birth control?" She asks as I shake my head no and she starts cleaning me.

The doctor knocks before coming in as I wipe my tears and he grabs gloves. "Mrs. Bolton, I need to take a look to help you. This is strictly professional" he informs me as I nod.

"I don't care make it stop!" I tell him as my stomach cramp again as I feel more blood leave my body. I just want the pain to stop, I can't take it.

He takes the nurses spot as she stands off to the side holding my shoulders up as I cry. Then my world crashes, "You were aware of your pregnancy?" he tells me as I look down.

Pregnancy? I'm pregnant? I, I- oh my god. We always wore protection, I didn't think this would happen. The ninety nine protective failed for us, I guess we were in the one percent.

"What? I'm pregnant?" I ask as he looks up at me and sighs. I'm pregnant, I'm a mom, a biological mom. But Tyler doesn't know, he's not even awake to see this. I'm a mom, and I'm not losing my first baby from pain.

"You're in the process of a miscarriage Mrs. Bolton. You're clotting" he tells me as tears fall out of my eyes. No, I can't be. I might not have wanted a baby right now but that doesn't change that I will be the best mom I can be.

Love and Lies ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ