Chapter 2

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**This is just setting the tone for what's to come, it only gets better as we go along!**


Hannah's POV

"See chocolate cake makes everything better!" Laura tells me as I finish off the piece I have and take a sip of water. She makes the best chocolate cake I have ever had, in my life. It's better than the one Kathy makes and I didn't think that was possible.

"This is so good" I tell her as I smile and lay my fork down cleaning my plate.

"Secret recipe!" She tells me as I smile. My phone vibrates for the one hundredth time as she looks down at it.

"They're probably worried Hannah, I would be too. You're not even my daughter but you feel like it. Sweetheart they probably think something's wrong" she tells me as I look down and read through the text messages from Jessie, my mom, and dad. They probably are worried but at this point, I don't really want to think about it.

"I'll text Jessie" I tell her as she nods. Just a simple, I'm fine is what I send. That's it, that's all they're getting because I knew looking at Jessie's face that she knew I am adopted. It broke my heart knowing I've been lied to forever.

"That will make them feel better. So did you tell them about switching your major yet?" She asks as I sigh again.

"No, I want to do English but they are dead set on me getting a business or law degree. I just didn't know how to tell them and to top it off my dad wants me to help him with the business aspect of his offices." I tell her as she nods again and her mouth drops.

"Well honey, I can't tell you what to do but maybe just switch without telling them. It's your life and you need to make Hannah happy, not Robert and Caroline Jacobson" she tells me as I look at my hands. I fiddle with them for a few minutes looking at her.

"They made me pick something so I just randomly chose business but that backfired because they told me that if I wanted to change majors halfway through college I would pay for the rest of my schooling, not them. I can't afford to pay for my tuition, they bought my car, they buy my gas, meal plan, clothes, everything. I don't pay for anything" I tell her truthfully.

"Hannah, tell them you're majoring in business and do a double major. It might be harder but it's worth it if you want it bad enough. And for the money part all you have to do is ask and I'll hand you an apron and dress and you can work in the diner!" She tells me as I stare at her in shock. Everything she said makes since, a double major. I can do a double major and still get what I want. She's offering me a job though, I've never had a job.

"You'd give me a job?" I ask as she nods.

"Yes honey, I'll even train you. All I can afford to pay you is minimum wage but people will tip when you serve them and that's where most of your money will come from. That way you can have you own money" she tells me as I nod.

"Yes, thank you!" I demand hugging her as she smiles. She pulls me into her as she rubs my back and I don't know but she's always felt really special when she does that, like a mom.

"Now go to bed, I'll wake you up in the morning to open you presents!" She tells me as I laugh. We didn't even plan Christmas together and I bought her gifts I was going to give her later.

"I actually did buy you a few gifts" I tell her as she smiles. She winks at me before drinking the water in front of her.

"I bought you a few too, I thought of you while I was shopping for my son and knew I needed to get you something too" she whispers as I smile.

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