Chapter 31

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Hannah's POV

"Don't they look so cute" I hear whispered as I squint from looking at the sun shining on my pillow. We fell alseep last night and I didn't even think that Tyler was in here with Rex. I still don't know how I feel about Tyler right now, I do love him but I'm confused. I think he's either scared about the way he feels or hurt about how I feel and he doesn't want to admit it. I know he's prideful but being vulnerable with me wouldn't hurt him, it's us, I'm the person he should tell everything to.

I open my eyes fully as I see Tyler's arm across my waist and his head in my neck. His grip is so tight I can't even move. Then I see Jessie smiling as she looks at us with my mon right beside her, shit.

"We didn't have sex!" Is the first thing that comes out of my mouth as they laugh and smile.

"He's still in his clothes from yesterday and nobody smart sleeps in jeans. I know you didn't." My mom tells me as I sigh and then Tyler snuggles further into me completely asleep making them laugh.

"What made him sleep in here?" She asks as I look over at him fully asleep across my back and neck.

"We-, we usually sleep in the same bed. He didn't want us to sleep alone." I whisper as she nods and J smiles.

"Hannah's in love" she mumbles as I flick her off causing Tyler to stir. He moves around to his back before he grabs my hip pulling me into his chest.

"Where's Rex?" I ask as I don't see him on my couch.

"Staff took him out" J mumbles as I nod and go to move out of Tyler's grip. I pull his arm away from me as his grip gets tighter.

"Let's sleep baby" he whispers into my hair as my sister and mom laugh. I sigh as I rub his arm, "Open your eyes and get up" I demand as he wallows into the pillows like a child.

"Fuck no, I don't ever get to sleep in and I'm doing it" he tells me as I laugh, "Open them Tyler".

"Oh fuck" he whispers as he opens his eyes and sees my mom and sister.

"Tyler meet Jessie, Jessie this is Tyler" I mumble as I move his arms and sit up on the backboard of my bed. I place a few pillows behind me and I'm so thankful I'm wearing a sports bra and tank top so this doesn't look bad. They don't even know that we were fighting last night.

"Pleasure to meet you" he mumbles as he wipes his eyes looking sexy as all get out. He always looks the best in the morning when he's vulnerable.

"You too, breakfast is going to be ready in a thirty minutes. I'll see you both downstairs" my mom mumbles as I nod and smile. I watch her and Jessie walk out before I get out of bed and walk directly to the bathroom.

I almost shut the door until I see his foot stopping me. "What are you doing?" I ask as he smiles. He pushes the door open and shuts it behind him sending me his grin, that grin.

"No, no, no. No sex" I tell him sternly as I fold my arms over my chest and glare at him.

"Why? I just want to shower" He rasps as he lifts his shirt over his head and starts working off the buttons on his jeans and unzipping them.

"You know what, I'll be in the guest bathroom" I mumble as I go to walk by him but he grabs me into his arms.

"You can't be serious about not having sex or showering together Hannah" he tells me as I lock my jaw.

"Yes I am because that's all we do. I don't even have normal conversations with you because everything is about sex, everything. I just want a fucking relationship without you trying to feel me up, and touch me" I demand as he looks down at me.

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