Chapter 25

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**Hannah's dress!**

**Hannah's dress!**

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Hannah's POV

As nervous as I feel, I think I might vomit and I have no idea why. I love Tyler, but he's never seen me this way. I took a long shower, shaved, moisturized, and did my hair. It's curled but not the way it normally is, it's in tight waves that frame my face and fall down my back. It's cold outside but not unbearable like it has been so I'm wearing a dress. It's a black dress that I think he'll love and I have on thigh high tan boots.

I think I look good, I hope he thinks so too. "Holy Damn Han!" Sofia tells me from the other side of the dorm as I smile. I'm glad she's okay, and Shawn seems like they have a agreed on what they are. Sofia told me they were still going to see each other, and if it got serious, or more serious in my opinion, that they would tell their families. I can't really judge her because Tyler hasn't met my parents or sister and I'm still going to see him whether they like him or not.

"Thanks, you think he'll like it?" I ask as she nods. Then Shawn pops his head out of the door and smiles as he look at me, "Hannah of course he will you look beautiful" he tells me as I smile.

"Thanks!" I exclaim as I hear a knock at the door. Grabbing my bag I hug Sofia and Shawn in the bathroom before I shut the joint door to my side of the room. They are probably going to be in the other side since she put most of her stuff in there already. I'm so glad my RA doesn't even acknowledge her staying here for free but she needed somewhere to stay and she can stay as long as she wants to. I think she'll be living in Atlanta with Shawn before long though.

I open the door and see red roses and then my man. He looks so good, he's wearing pressed khakis with a black button up long sleeve shirt. I smile as he moves the flowers and shows me his face.

"Baby, Umm, Damn, I get to sleep with you" he smiles as he takes the flowers away steps back and makes me blush as he checks me out.

"I'm going to have a boner all night" he mumbles at the end as I smile. He comes back over to me and bends down as I kiss him and he grabs my ass as I feel the sting.

"It's still sore" I rasp out as he smiles, and gropes me. I let him have his way as he kisses down my jaw and I hold his shoulders. I rub my hands over the buttons of his shirt as he holds me into his chest and hugs me.

"I've never seen you in a dress besides the one at the diner" he tells me as I smile and he hands me the flowers. I lean down and sniff them before putting them on my desk and walking back to him.

"Well, what's the verdict?" I ask as I twirl and smile as he sees the extra tight material on my behind.

"I love it, and you. Ready to go?" He asks as I nod and take his hand before shutting my door and walking out with him. I rub his hand as he holds mine and swings our hands back and forth. It makes me smile as we get to his truck and he lifts me into his passengers seat.

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