Chapter 17

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**Here's the answers! Don't hate Hannah after this or Tyler for that matter! I officially made it through my finals! I finished all my classes with A's and I'm so happy I'm going home to see my family for Christmas! I love you all and to my college babies, I know it's hard but bullshit and you'll pass! I think I'm majoring in that now! ;)**


Hannah's POV

"Explain then, make since of this. Why did you lie to me? Why take my virginity and make me fall in love with Brett for you to be Tyler?" I ask as I hold my hands. I do want answers even if I'm being combative and I hate this.

"I had to Hannah" he whispers as he grabs my hands and I shake his grip off. I don't want him to touch me or hold me.

"Get off" I demand as I move his hands and he grips both of them in one of his hands and then the other hand rests on my knee.

"Hannah I was hired" he whispers as I start trying to think, and then it hits me. My father had to.

"Why?" I ask as he sighs and rubs my knee, "Hannah your dad. He was worried about you after you left, and he hired me. I was supposed to be kind of a bodyguard and watch you, I didn't even know who you were until the day after we met. The stations fax and email was down so it took another day for me to get your pictures, and by that time I'd already went to your classes to try and get a feel of where I was going. I didn't even know it was you. I just knew it was a brown haired girl, not you Hannah. When I walked in and saw that fucking dick talking to you I felt a protective instinct over you. I can't explain it but I knew you were mine. I think you are so damn beautiful baby and I knew I was fucked. I didn't lie about anything else except for Laura being my mom, she was so adamant about me meeting you the last two years and I never did. I didn't even know you were the same girl she was talking about until I walked into the diner to get her help with taking you on a date. I was shocked, and then I just knew Hannah. I love you, I do and I'm sorry that I hurt you. I don't apologize to anyone, I never have and I'm telling you I'm sorry, for everything." He pleas as I feel more tears falling down my face.

My dad, he hired him to protect me and that makes me so mad that he wanted to watch me. I'm grown and I get it but I hate that he didn't trust me. But still, Tyler finally explained everything.

"What else?" I ask as he sighs, "I do have my own gyms as in many of them, I'm a cop, everything that Jake told you. After we had sex Hannah, I knew that I loved you and it freaked me out. How was I supposed to love you when I was your bodyguard and told to watch over you like a prized possession? I had to follow you where you went and keep it a secret, you didn't even notice. Your dad called the station and made sure you were okay. I didn't even know he was coming to see you until you told me." He tells me as I look at my hands. Silence just falls for a few seconds as I try to hold myself together. This shit, it was all just a big lie.

"Talk to me baby" he whispers as I wipe my face.

"Can you unhook these?" I ask as I hold my hands in front of me.

"No, not until you talk to me" he whispers as I shake my head no.

"I don't have anything to say, we're done and we were done after you left" I demand as I cry and tears run down my chin. He stands up and walks to his bathroom before coming up to me and setting a box of tissues on the table. He takes one and wipes the makeup and tears off of my face as his hands linger longer than necessary.

I continue crying as he wipes my face, "Baby I'm sorry, what can I do?" He asks as he wipes the snot from my nose and then grabs another tissue to clean my chin and neck.

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