Chapter 5

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Hannah's POV

"Hi" I whisper to Brett as he sits down next to me in the English lecture hall, this is just awkward because I feel that I need to apologize for being rude and overbearing to him. Hi, all I can say is hi, and I practically accused him of being a liar.

He sits down next to me and starts unpacking his stuff that's brand new as I stare at him. He has new stuff, not used like it should be. He just nods his head as he sits down. We didn't text or call each other last night, he just asked me to text him and to make sure I got to my dorm okay but that was it. I know we are supposed to have a date but being irrational and sleeping on it, I just feel like I've messed something up before it even started.

"Look I'm sorry for overreacting, I just felt like you were hiding something from me and I know you aren't now but it made me feel that way. I should have just thought the gesture was nice but I didn't. I think it's because I was lied to for so long that I feel like I can't trust anyone and I'm sorry" I rattle out as I grab his tattooed arm and plea on his side.

I rub his soft hairy skin under my hand as I look down, "I have a hard time with people Brett, I really do. After every lie I've heard in December, it's just hard to trust someone and I want to, I really do like you and I think I messed this up before it ever really started and I'm sorry" I tell him again.

"I needed to speak with her privately because she's cooking the food for us, I have to work tonight at the gym and I don't have time, that's why I didn't want to tell you" he whispers as I drop my mouth wide open. He didn't want to ruin our night, that's why. Now I want to hide under a rock until no one can ever find me again.

"I'm such a bitch, I'm so sorry" I tell him back as he nods. He doesn't talk to me as I let go of his arm and slump in the seat, so much for having a perfect guy that I really like. Way to mess it up Hannah!

"I get it okay, just trust me now?" he asks as I nod and instantly hug his side, he has to know I'm really sorry, "I'm sorry to Han, I haven't had a girlfriend in a while so I need to get back into learning what to do" he tells me as I nod.

"Clean slate for both of us?" I ask as he nods. He leans down and kisses my forehead again as I smile, I'm glad we're okay.

"I trust you, I just-" I go to start as he cuts me off, "If my mom and dad had lied to me for twenty years I would be the exact same way, I get it" he tells me as I nod again. I don't know how God sent me this guy but he's perfect in everyway possible. I think I really like him more now that he's understanding why I'm just unsure of people.

"Are we still on for our date tonight?" he asks as I nod. "Yes, I would love to Brett. I really do like you... a lot" I whisper to him as he smiles, "Good, I'm glad to know" he tells me as I smile and turn red from blushing.

The English professor walks in as Brett places his hand on mine and rubs my fingers. I smile as I lace his hand and place my other one on top of it. It feels so good, I just love holding it, it's the best feeling in the world.

"Why are you double majoring in business and English by the way? How is that going to help you run your gym?" I ask as he smiles.

"Umm, I-, I'm oddly good at it, I enjoy it a lot" he tells me as I rub his hand. I keep my head rested on his huge and muscular shoulder, and it feels like a pillow, a firm pillow. He doesn't say anything as we pay attention and take notes and then the class ends and we stand up and pack our bags.

We walk beside each other out the building to our next class of the day and I stop when his hand finds mine, "What are you doing Brett?" I ask as he holds my hand and keeps walking.

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