Chapter 36

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*Here comes the waterworks!*


Hannah's POV

I haven't slept at all. I can't, the nurse brought food for Rex and gave me a tray but I refused to touch it. I'm not eating if Tyler can't eat. I brushed my teeth and washed my face but I'm not sleeping. It's in the morning now, and I haven't slept at all. I can't sleep, I'm tired, I've got bags under my eyes and I look horrible but I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see him here and that's enough for me to open them because I can't think of him hurt.

So now, Rex is sitting on the couch while I'm still holding Tyler's hand. Then there's a knock at the door and I see one of the nurses come in.

"We have his paperwork and he's ready to be transferred to the Presidential room." She tells me as I nod and stand up grabbing Rex. A few minutes later all the medical team comes in and grabs Tyler, he's getting transferred because I want him comfortable.

Not only can I afford it, but Tyler doesn't even fit in the bed he's in. He only sleeps in his California king because it's long enough, and I want that for him. I know Laura will kill me for using my college bank account to help him but I have to. I know that he's rich, but to me this is the right thing to do.

We get on the elevator as I stay quiet and still. I feel horrible, like I'm sick from not sleeping. This never happens to me and I feel like I'm about tho vomit. It's in the morning though so it's odd.

"Mrs. Bolton?" the nurse Emma asks as I nod and look over at her, she looks about my age. This could have been me, I thought I wanted to do Nursing in high school but that was a no. I did it as part of my course of study, and although I took anatomy I hated it. I would much rather take English, or even business. I hate it, but I know my abilities and I'm not smart enough to be a nurse. I respect the hell out of anyone who makes it this far.

"Yes?" I ask as I grab the side of Tyler's bed holding myself up right.

"I know it's not my place but you haven't ate since last night, and I know you haven't slept. Maybe take a nap later so you'll feel better?" She asks sweetly as I shake my head no.

"Tyler can't do anything so I'm not sleeping until he wakes up. Thank you though, but I'm fine." I tell her back as she nods and looks forward. I look down at Tyler as I hold his hand, he's still got blood on him.

"When can I bathe him? I know you both are busy. Can I bathe him to get the blood and dirt off?" I ask as the doctor nods.

"The supplies will be in the room, we're here" he tells me as the elevator bings and the door opens. I follow them out walking in the small hospital flip flops they gave me as we find his room.

"Thank you both so much. He didn't fit in that other bed, and I want him comfortable. You both are amazing and I'm sorry for blowing up yesterday, I just was upset." I tell them as they all transfer him into a bed that's at least three times bigger than the other one. He has clean and different sheets and overall the room is nicer.

"We understand, Mrs. Bolton the supplies are in the bathroom." They tell me as I nod and Rex hops up on the bed next to Tyler. They adjust Tyler's leg around Rex's big frame and prop his arm and body up.

"Thank you, Rex just knows somethings wrong" I tell them as they nod. Once they walk out I sigh, I'm better now. Tyler's more comfortable and he looks better, except for that he needs to be washed and I know he'd want that.

I gather the supplies from the bathroom and lock his door as I walk over to the bed across the room. I pull the privacy curtain before looking down at him. Once the waters ready and I have three rags I get ready to clean him. I use just warm water and a rag to clean his face and wipe the blood off. I didn't expect so much blood so I have to change the water after his face. Then, I slip the covers and hospital gown off of him, and he's naked.

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