Chapter 22

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**The bottom of this is just a small snippet of something I'm thinking about. I only wrote Tyler's POV to make a few people happy but the "real" portion of him comes later. When I tell you I am working hard on this just believe me, this shit's real! Has anyone picked up on the hints from the other chapters?!**


Hannah's POV

I'm literally just staring at him. He smiles from ear to ear before pulling me into his apartment and shutting the door. When I do, he attacks my mouth with his and I don't stop him. He thrusts his tongue into my mouth while holding my head in between both his hands as I hold his waist. I move my mouth with his immediately as I feel Rex on the side of my leg.

I feel Tyler bite my bottom lip with his teeth as I smile against his mouth, "Fuck did I miss you" he whispers while pulling away as I rub my hand on his jaw before I realize I'm admiring him and stop. I should be mad, still, I should be.

"Why the apron?" I ask as he rubs my cheeks, and then I lean down. Rex decides to jump up to me as I hold his paws and rub his head making Tyler loosen his grip on me.

"I didn't want to get food on my shirt, I never took you on a first date as Tyler, now I'm doing it" he tells me as I stop petting Rex and look up at him. I smile when I see that he does have on shorts but he's not naked, I love the sight of him naked but not right now or like this.

He's actually making an effort and that warms my body to the core. I follow behind him into his kitchen as I look on the island, "I took notes, chicken pasta, chocolate chunk brownies, and blueberry pancakes" he whispers as I look down at the food he made. I almost cry when I see the dirty dishes in the sink, one with brownie batter in it, the other is a pasta drainer, and then the last one's a skillet he used to cook pancakes.

"You did all this?" I ask as he nods and makes me sit on the barstool. I hold my hands in front of me as I see it's already three fifteen and I haven't ate anything today. It's early to eat dinner but I have a feeling I'm going to be here for a while.

I watch him as he fixes me a plate, and gives me a cup of tea, then he sits Rex's cut up chicken breasts on the plate he has. Finally he fixes his own plate and sits down next to me, but the tension is just to much.

I don't know if it's more sexual or the impending conversation I know that's about to happen, "We need to talk and I don't feel like eating until we do" I mumble as I look over at him as he drops his fork.

"Hannah I'm fucking trying okay? I don't know how to love somebody, I never fucking have." he demands as I grab his arm, "Stop, it's not like that" I tell him as he pushes his hair back more into the pushed back style it always is.

"What's it like then? You called me Hannah, you demanded I touch you into forgiveness. You left the last time when I was trying to talk to you and explain" he demands as I rest my hand on my hands and sigh. Here we go, here's the fight.

"I know but you had just told me that you lied, How was I supposed to feel? I was so upset that I'd given up myself for a lie, for Brett Kinard when Brett Kinard wasn't a real person. Then, Jake shows up and I thought he would make me forget you but he didn't. I asked him to get me out of here and he did but when he let me stay in his guest bedroom I just felt like my heart was broke. I found his wedding band and Sofia's pictures and then it hit me that he just wanted sex and I wasn't going to give it to him." I respond as I sit back and look at the plate full of food in front of me.

"Hannah, I had to lie. Your mom and dad don't even know about us, they don't even know what I look like. They contacted the department about having someone look after you because you had left and they wanted you to be okay. I'd do that if my kid left too, I don't think they were crazy, I think that they were smart." he tells me as I nod.

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