Chapter 19

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Hannah's POV

"It's not what you think" he pleas as I glare at him and stand up.

"Being the good person I am, I saw the mess you had and I cleaned it up before I realized you had cookie dough ice cream, red wine, and fragrance scented detergent. Then I go into your bedroom and find a wedding band and her picture hidden away in your closet" I tell him as he shuts the door and stands about eight feet in front of me, he knows not to come any closer.

"Hannah, please let me explain" he tells me as I roll my eyes, "You acted perfect, I know why Mrs. Little was so adamant that I didn't go out with you. You're married" I tell him as I lean my weight on one leg and hold my bag in the other. She tried to tell me something, I remember it. It all clicks in my head now, how she slipped up calling "T-Brett", and when she was telling me, "Jake's ma-" and I never picked up in it until now.

"She's never even fucking here, she's a business woman and works in New York. I met her in Washington when I went for a conference, she's not here. She moved in her stuff before she left for her career and she's been gone for over a year. That ice cream is over six months old, that wine, probably eight, I haven't seen her in forever. She's gone" he tells me as I cross my arms.

"That doesn't change the fact that you're married, as in you have a wife and you chose to cheat on her!" I rasp out as he sighs.

"I haven't seen her in forever Hannah, as far as I'm concerned my marriage is practically over" he tells me as I shake my head no.

"You took vows, you promised to only be with her and then you take me on a date and kiss me over and over again. How could you do that knowing you have a wife? A beautiful wife who's gorgeous and doesn't deserve to be cheated on, nobody does" I tell him as he shakes his head.

"I have divorce papers, I just haven't seen her to get her signature. We got married when I was 23, and I didn't know what I signed up for. She's fucking-, I don't know-crazy, and I never saw that until after we got married!" he demands as I look down at my phone, my Uber is still five minutes away.

"I really don't care Jake, she's your wife. You love her and if I had her number I'd call and tell her how much of a pig you are! Thank you for your help last night and thank you for teaching me how to shoot and protect myself. I didn't think that you were like this, I'm shocked. I appreciate you letting me stay here but I think it's time for me to go. Don't call me again, I don't want to be your fucking mistress" I demand as he walks forward and grabs my arms stopping me from moving.

"Hannah, I don't love her" he demands as the alarm to the back door goes off, "Oh my god, you liar" I whisper as I hear heels clicking. I push his hands off of me as I grab my bag and sprint into the room beside the stair case and shut the door.

"Baby I missed you!" I hear her yell as she quickens her walk and I see from the door crack that she jumps into his arms and kisses his lips. I shut my eyes as I feel my tears form and I then blink them away trying to calm myself down.

"Hey" he says as she wraps her arms around his neck and sets herself down on her heels.

"So what have you been up to?" she asks as he holds her back under his hands and she rubs his shoulders. They do happen to look very cute together, and if he wasn't a cheater I think they would have adorable children.

"Just work, I came home for lunch. I didn't think you would be here" he fakingly smiles as she grins as wide as she can. I can tell from her look that she loves him because that's the way I look Tyler and I know it.

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