Chapter 4

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Hannah's POV

I can't help but smile as I drive back to my dorm. I have a boyfriend, a real boyfriend and I don't hate it. I never thought I would just say yes to him but I secretly wanted to. I don't know, I just felt like saying yes. He's an asshole, no doubt, but I like him and that's all that matters, and he happens to be very attractive, oddly attractive.

He didn't try to kiss me, he just walked me to my car and gave me a hug. I really enjoyed spending four hours with him though, I didn't even notice it was four hours until it was four o'clock and we still were talking. The Restaurant had changed shifts but it didn't matter we were still there.

I found out he loves to box, likes his moms cooking, and has a dog named Rex, other than that we just laughed and goofed off at each other until I decided to start on one of the papers this semester and call it a day.

Now, I'm driving back to my room and I'm smiling so hard I can't stop it. I just have never felt this way, ever. It's so odd, I didn't think I'd meet the guy I really liked one day and then he'd be my boyfriend within four hours, I guess I just know. I'm probably stupid and irrational but I like Brett and I don't think anything bad will come out of liking him.

I see the display on my car light up as Mrs. Little's picture comes up. I'm not supposed to start working today so I'm confused. I quickly remember my promise though, I have to call her when I can because she wants to know how I am, and what I'm up to. She's always been that way though and I love her for it.

I hit the button on my steering wheel and she immediately starts, "Hannah are you busy?" she asks as I immediately answer back, "No, not at all, what's wrong?" I'm worried, she's not much older than my parents and I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

"One of the other waitresses daughter got sick. Long story short I need someone to come in and wait tables. Can you?" she asks as I smile. I'd really love to make my own money but I've never done it before.

"Are you sure? I've never waited before. I don't mess you up, how do I do it?" I ask as I turn from the street I'm on and make my way towards the diner, the uniform I have to wear is there anyway.

"You'll be fine, just smile and be friendly. How fast can you get here?" she asks as I turn into the street and drive towards her.

"Five minutes, I'll be there soon" I tell her as she sighs, "Thank you sweetheart. I'll see you soon, love you bye" she tells me before hanging up. I drive to the diner and four minutes later I see all the cars outside, this is why she needed me here.

I panic as I park near the side entrance, grab my bag and walk towards the door. I open it and see people everywhere, until I hear her voice.

"Hannah, great! Change into this, lets go!" she demands throwing me the dress, I nod and walk to the back office I've been in numerous times and find a locker. I place my stuff in it before walking to the employee bathroom and changing as quick as I can, leaving on my trusty white slip on sneakers, I hope they don't get dirty.

"Wonderful!" she exclaims as I open the door and fluff out my curls to look more put together.

"Okay, our specials are all you can eat wings, and I have some chocolate cake today. We only serve Coke products, coffee, tea, water and milkshakes. I'll help you with those, if people ask you come up with a fake name in case they are serial killers" she tells me while I lock the locker and place my phone in it, hopefully Brett won't text me and get worried or something. I laugh at her, she's paranoid about crazy people and supports the police force with everything in her.

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