Chapter 11

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Hannah's POV

After going to Jessie's house and talking to her for two hours I feel okay. It's not like we can go back to normal overnight but I do feel better knowing that I still have a family. When I saw my dad I asked to look at all my paperwork and he let me, I saw everything. I even watched the home videos of him and my mom seeing me for the first time, and of course it made me cry like a baby.

I finally told my dad about wanting to switch majors and I had to really explain to him what I could do with an English degree, how I could take care of myself, and what I was going to do. After thirty minutes of me explaining he gave me a hug and told me he loved me and that I could study what I wanted, and it never felt better. He told me I had to double major though, because he felt better with me having a degree on business to fall back on in case something different didn't work out.

So, now, I'm sitting in my bedroom watching a Lifetime movie with my mom and Jessie, it's about a crazy stalker. We love watching these types of movies and what makes it better is that there's chocolate bars, popcorn, Cheetos, and we had pasta for dinner. A real dinner, it was my mom, dad, Jessie, Brad and I. It was just us, and it felt good, it was even better when none of us girls had on makeup and we just were in pajamas after a long day, well except Brad who Jessie made go home after dinner.

"Do you see that? Oh look it's the knife!" My mom speaks from my left side as Jessie starts from the right, "She's going to kill him!" she starts as I laugh and eat some of the chocolate, just eating it makes me think of Brett, and thinking of Brett makes me cry. He officially ruined my favorite snack and that's not okay.

Like fucking clockwork my phone starts ringing from my dresser across the room and I don't look at it or walk up and touch it. My mom and sister just stare at me as I look at the TV screen.

"You aren't going to get that?" My mom asks as I shake my head no and close the box of chocolate, she doesn't know about Brett, neither does Jessie.

"Why? Who is it?" she asks as I sit straight up on the headboard of my King side bed and adjust the pillow. I might as well tell them before they find out eventually.

"I met a guy, I think, I know I'm in love with him" I tell her as her eyes bulge. Way to pull off the bandage Hannah!

"What? Hannah who is he? What's he like? Why won't you answer his call?" Jessie asks as I sigh.

"If I tell both of you I want no judgement" I tell them as they nod and pause the movie.

"I met him at school and we just started talking. It just felt different, and then, we ate lunch together, and then he took me on a date. He bought me pancakes and chocolate, I met his dog which I happened to really love, and I just fell in love with him. Of course we argued about some stuff but it was never to the point of giving up. Until yesterday, he came to my room last night to see me and one thing led to another, and he just up and left without an explanation. He left me in tears and he didn't say anything. I just love him so much and the sad part is, it felt like a month and it was three days" I tell them both as tears flow down my eyes. So much for keeping it together, they don't know I'm not a virgin anymore but they know a lot of the truth.

"Han" My mom mumbles as she pulls me into her chest, "Tell me about him, and what happened" she whispers as I cry into her chest.

Jessie stays behind me and rubs my back as I start, "He was amazing, he was the biggest flirt but he never made me feel uncomfortable. He took my side, and he was different. He just treated me like he loved me, and I loved him. Mom he was so perfect. He's so hot, he's tall, like basketball player tall. And he's so cute, he has the brightest blue and green eyes. He has his own business, his own apartment, and he's amazing but we just didn't work" I whisper as I tell her exactly how I feel.

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