Chapter 6

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*This will have to hold y'all off for a while! I've got exams coming up and I haven't studied at all! I also don't have enough pre-written chapters to give anymore right now! I'm thinking maybe a week and a half or two! Let me know what you guys think! The next chapters are thrown into the air right now so we'll see how long this takes!*


Hannah's POV

I walk with Brett hand and hand to his truck. He opens the passengers side door for me and I get in as he helps lift me in the seat. I thank him as he shuts the door and I look around to see black leather seats. The smell is intoxicating, it's just like him. It looks like a normal truck besides the big blanket with white fur in the backseat. He opens the drivers side door as he sits in and sees me looking behind me to the fur everywhere.

"That's Rex's evidence" he tells me as I smile. I think I'll like Rex.

"I think that's sweet" I whisper as he smiles and I fasten my seatbelt. He fastens his as well before he backs up and goes down the road.

"So, I need to warn you. Rex's a husky mixed dog, I found him at the animal shelter and he's a really good dog but he's very energetic" he tells me as I nod. I think it'll be okay, he's Brett's dog so he has to be good.

"That's okay, I'll be fine. I love dogs" I tell him as he nods.

"He also sheds like crazy so my couch has to be rolled off with a lent roller before anyone sits down. It's full of hair" he tells me a I smile.

"Really I get it. I'd want to have my dog inside too, they don't deserve to be left outside in the cold" I tell him as he smiles.

"He only eat's real food. I don't buy him dog food because he's not eating that shit without me knowing what's in it." He tells me as I nod. When Jessie and I had a French bulldog years and years ago, she didn't eat dog food either, our chef prepared her food with ours.

"He's a mess but my apartment is clean, minus his hair" he tells me as I smile.

"Why do you have an apartment? Why not live in the dorms and just have Rex with you there?" I question. It probably would be better for him, it would be less to clean and a lot cheaper. I wanted my own apartment until I saw how much it costs. I decided that I wasn't going to take that much away from my parents even though they could afford it, I just didn't want to live with that guilt.

"I like my space and so does Rex. I make enough to afford my own place and I rent out two floors that connect so Rex can play in the backyard." He tells me as I smile. I like him more now, that's so sweet.

"I get it, it's just expensive" I whisper as he nods.

"Yeah, it's not cheap but I like it. I want a house one day but I'm waiting to build it until I get married" he tells me again as I nod. I like that thought, whoever she is, which I'm desperately hoping is me, deserves to have their input in the house.

He drives for another ten minutes until he pulls into a very nice apartment complex, it's modern but it's really nice, this is where I was looking at apartments when I decided to go to school here. I remember searching for a place for weeks and I fell in love with this one but, I just couldn't take the money from my mom and dad.

"Brett I almost got an apartment here two years ago but I couldn't afford it" I tell him as he smiles.

"That's odd, I've actually lived here for two years" he tells me as I smile. It's really a perfect place to start, the police department is up the road, there's cafes near it, a park, and a few grocery stores. I loved the area and now I'll be seeing more of it if Brett and I see more of each other.

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