H O M E | G.B.D

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Grayson's kid~
Grace; 9 months

|Grayson's POV|

i took three shots total, feeling a little tipsy but i was still in the right state of mind. i looked over, seeing Kristina and Ethan, totally wasted and making out. i mentally gagged and rolled my eyes.

i pulled my phone out, seeing i have a text.

my queen💍💗- hey baby. just wanted to let you know that Grace isn't feeling too good. i know you're out with E but please try to get home early. i love you and be safe.

i frowned and sent back a quick reply saying i'd be home soon. "hey. here's some money for a taxi or an uber, but do not try to drive home." i said and handed Ethan the money. he rolled his eyes and stuffed it in his pocket before getting back to Kris.

"hey sexy." i turned around and saw a woman around my age, maybe a little younger, wearing an extremely tight dress and 10 inch heels.

she ran her hand over my shoulder, leaning into whisper something. "i could show you a very good time." i mentally cringed and backed away.

"i'm sorry, you seem very nice and all but i have a wife and my little girl waiting for me at home." i softly smiled and put my coat on before leaving the girl.


"BABE!?" i yelled through the silent house. i heard coughs, leading me into mine and y/n's bedroom where y/n was patting's Grace's back soothingly as she coughed. tears stained Grace's chubby cheeks and you could tell she wasn't feeling well.

her tiny hairs that had just come in a few months ago were pulled into a pony tail on the top of her head and y/n looked as stressed as when she had Grace in her belly.

"dada." Grace whined, causing y/n to look up at me. "aww. is my princess sick?" i asked in a baby voice and kissed her warm forehead gently. she nodded her head sadly and reached for me. i rubbed her back and more coughs left her poor little throat.

soon, she was fast asleep on my shoulder, so i laid her down in the middle of the bed. y/n sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"i don't know what to do Grayson. she just keeps coughing and i've given her medicine, soup, naps, and a sprite but she's so miserable and it hurts me to see her so sad and in pain." i nodded her head and brought her into my chest. "i know angel. it sucks, but it's getting chilly outside so it's probably just a little cold since it's her first winter." y/n nodded her head and looked down at our little creation that we made on the night we got married.

"she's so beautiful," i whispered. "just like her mama." y/n blushed a light pink and hit my arm playfully. "or like her father." i chuckled and brought her into a soft kiss.

"i love you Grayson."

"i love you too y/n." she smiled and we laid down, Grace in between us. "mama." Grace mumbled and cuddled close to y/n.

"so where did you and Ethan go?" y/n asked quietly as she laid in my arms with Grace in hers. "the club." y/n's face fell but she hid it well. "don't worry love. a girl tried to hit on me but i knew i had two amazing princesses at home that i wouldn't trade for the world." y/n lips curved into a smile, showing her beautiful white teeth.

"you girls are my safe place. the place i always run to when i need protection or just reassurance that i'm still loved. wherever y'all are, i'm home."

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