L O S S | G.B.D

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Grayson's kids~
Olivia; 23
Emma; 14
Jack; 7

⚠️ might be triggering ⚠️
play, Lost Boy, by Ruth B

|Y/N's POV|

"please don't!" i yelled from the other side of Olivia's bathroom door. i never thought i'd be in this situation. beating, praying, begging for my baby girl to just open the door.

"no." she sobbed. i hit the door harder, trying to get it to break down, but i just wasn't strong enough. "Olivia. please just unlock the door. talk to me baby, me and your dad love you so so much. i can't lose you." by now, tears were streaming from my cheeks and i'd already called ambulance to come and get the door open, along with seeing if she'd tried to hurt herself.

when i didn't hear anything from the other side, i cried harder and with all my strength, hit the door and it flew open... but i was too late.

there she laid, blood pouring from her wrists and an empty bottle of pills. i ran to her, holding my 16 year old girl in my arms, hearing the ambulances outside.


"Y/N!" my eyes shot open and sweat was covering my body. i burst into tears and Grayson brought me into his embrace.

"she's gone. it's all my fault." i mumbled over and over. "angel. look at me. it is not your fault. what happened was unexpected, but was not your fault. okay." he whispered, careful not to wake the kids up.

i nodded my head and he kissed my forehead gently. "i know shes watching over us." i smiled and wiped my tears. "i miss her. so much."

"i miss her too baby." we cried together, mourning over our oldest daughter that killed herself 7 years ago. i ended up drifting back off to sleep in Grayson's arms.


"mom. can i go out with some friends?" Emma asked while me and Grayson made lunch. after last night, i kind of just want to stay home with the kids. when Olivia died, Emma was only 7 and Jack was just born. Emma was young so she doesn't really remember Olivia and Jack has never even heard of her.

okay, so i don't know if you remember anything from when you're seven but i don't. like, sometimes i feel like i came out the womb at 11 years old because that's the farthest back i remember😂

there are pictures of her all over the house but they don't think much of it since it's been there since they can remember. "not today baby. maybe this weekend." i said and put the pizza in the oven.

"but mom. you never let me do anything." she whined. "yes i do. you and Carly went to the mall yesterday." she groaned and walked to Grayson. "dad, can i go out with some friends?" he chuckled and kissed her forehead. "not today princess. i don't really want to have to sleep on the couch tonight for not listening to your mother." i smiled happily and pecked his lips.

"this is so unfair. you're always keeping us from having fun, you're too overprotective and i hate you!" she yelled before storming upstairs. "Emma Grace. get in here no-"

"just let her go Gray." i smiled softly. he sighed and hugged me. "she didn't mean it. she's a teen, her hormones are all over the place." i laughed and nodded my head.

"dad, will you play catch with me?" we looked down and saw Jack. "of course bud. go grab the football and i'll meet you in the backyard." his smile grew wide and he sprinted out the garage.

"i'm going to talk to Emma." i said. "Jack will probably be tired in the first ten minutes of throwing like he always is so i can come with you."

"no no, it's okay. i think she'll be more comfortable talking about it with another girl." he nodded his head understandingly and stood up to go outside.

"Emma?" i knocked on her door. "GO AWAY!"i sighed before opening it, seeing her taking all her makeup off. "mom. i don't want to talk."

"i know. but i just want to know what's going on. recently you've had an attitude and you've been grumpy." i sat down on her bed and she sat next to me.

"you're always so overprotective. like i get you love us and everything but i feel like you're always breathing down our necks, not letting us go out, not letting us have friends over." she explained. i moved a piece of hair out of her face and felt tears come to my eyes, thinking of when Olivia acted like this.

"don't cry mom. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say i hated you, i actually love and appreciate everything you do." i smiled and wiped my tears.

after i'd calmed down, Grayson and Jack were already back inside and i heard Grayson's loud footsteps. "you guys good?" he asked. "actually, i think we need to tell her." his eyes widened and he looked at me confused. "Olivia?" he whispered. i nodded my head and he smiled softly. "let's do it."


"EMMA! JACK!" i yelled up the stairs. they both came down a few seconds later and sat on the couch.

"are we in trouble?" Jack asked with tears welling up in his eyes. he's always scared to get in trouble but i find it adorable. "no baby. we just need to tell you guys something." Grayson placed her hand on the small of my back and rubbed it, making me relax a little.

"so... you guys have an older sister." Emma's eyes widened and Jack laughed.

"mommy, you're such a silly goose. i know i have an older sister, Emma." i couldn't help but smile at his goofy self. "yeah, but that means you have 2." Grayson chuckled but Emma stayed quiet.

"where is she at?" Jack looked around trying to find her. "she's up in the sky. watching over you two."

"so she died?" Jack asked. i nodded my head and he looked sad. "how?"

"you're too young to know how. but she was 16 when it happened, Emma you were 7 and Jack, you were only a few weeks. we did everything we could but, i know she's watching over all of us." Grayson said. i smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"what did she look like?"

"she was beautiful. brown hair, hazel eyes, she lit up any room she walked into. the pictures of the girl you guys see all over the house is her." they both looked on the lamp table and saw her junior high school picture. they both smiled and looked back at us.

"that's the reason i'm so overprotective of you guys. i don't want to lose you like i lost her." tears formed in my eyes but Grayson held my hand.

"i'm sorry mom. i'm always so selfish and never think about how i make you feel." i shook my head no and brought her into a hug.

"i love you guys so much and i don't know what i'd do if something happened to you two." they both smiled and hugged me.

"i love you mama." Jack whispered. "i love you more Jack." the rest of the night, we looked through scrapbooks, tears were shed but there were also laughs. i'm just glad to have my two babies here with me, and our angel watching over us.

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