A L O N E | Pt. 1

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|Y/N's POV|

i'm pregnant. tears filled my eyes, not sure if they were happy or sad tears though. i'm 18, and i have a boyfriend, Grayson. obviously it's his baby but i'm not sure how he'll react.

we've talked about kids but i know he wanted to to wait so we could travel and live our teen years before we settled down.

"baby?" my head shot up and i heard Grayson's loud voice from downstairs. i quickly threw the test under the counter and wiped my tears.

"UP HERE!" i heard footsteps before our door opened and there he stood. he smiled and walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "did you have a good day angel?" he asked. 

"just the usual. missing you while your off with E." he chuckled and kissed my forehead. "we had to get a new video up, but you'll have me for the rest of the weekend." i smiled widely and kissed his plump lips.

"i love you." he whispered. "i love you more Gray."


"IT WASN'T JUST ME GRAYSON!" i yelled. "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT! i'm 19 y/n. i can't have a baby. not now." i scoffed and wiped the tears that had fallen from my eyes.

"whatever. leave." i spit. he groaned before walking out, slamming the door. well that didn't go as planned.

now that i'm 3 months pregnant and showing a little, i mustered up the confidence to tell Grayson. but as you could tell, he wasn't too happy.

loud sobs left my mouth and i slid down the front door. he's gone. i'm alone.

~ 4 years later ~

"LOOK MOMMY! Sparkles can fly!" Chloe yelled with her stuffed unicorn in her hand. she threw it up in the air, expecting it to stay, but of course it fell to the ground.

"dummy. your unicorn can't fly." Chase said from beside her. "hey. be nice." i warned. Chloe glared at Chase, but with both of them only being 4, they started laughing not being able to stay serious.

"mama, i want a new stuffed animal." Chloe whined. "and i want a new toy truck so i can run Chloe's unicorn over!" i laughed and kissed both of their foreheads. "i need to go grocery shopping so if guys go get your shoes on and behave in the store, i'll get you toys." both of them smiled and jumped off the couch before running to their shared bedroom.

after Grayson left, i was all by myself. i found out when i was 6 months pregnant that i was having twins. my parents wanted nothing to do with me, and i didn't really have any friends.

when i was 8 months, i got into a car accident. if i would have gotten hit a few centimeters down, i would've instantly been killed me, along with Chase and Chloe.

they both have brown hair, hazel eyes, big white smiles, and a cute little button nose. their Grayson made all over again.

i had to learn to walk again all in a matter of a month due to me about to go into labor any day now. they had to do emergency C section on Chloe because her heart flat lined. my whole world felt like it'd stopped.

but then her little heart started beating again. i managed to go through all of that, take care of 2 wild twins, and without Grayson. i was proud of myself but i'd be lying if i said i didn't miss him.

"mama! we're ready!" Chloe yelled as they ran back in. i grabbed my purse and keys before helping them into their car seats and pulling off.


"ooh! i want this one!" Chloe yelled as we picked out her toy. Chase was a few feet away, in the boys section, picking out what he wanted. "mama! i want that one!" Chase yelled too before running out of the aisle, only for someone to knock him over.

"oh my gosh. i'm so sorry-" the man stopped what he was saying when he looked up and saw me. Grayson.

"y/n." he whispered. i felt like my heart broke, just as it did the day he left. "mama. who is this?" Chloe asked.

"twins." Grayson whispered again as he looked between Chase and Chloe. "this is no one. now we have to head home."

"but mama, i didn't get to get a toy." i grabbed both the twin's hand and led them back to our cart, but was stopped when someone grabbed my shoulder.

"please y/n. i hate and beat myself up everyday for leaving you. especially alone with twins on the way. i was young, reckless, stupid, and obviously blind for letting you go. there hasn't been a day gone past that i haven't thought about you. i miss you so much and i would do anything just for you to let me-"

"no Grayson. you had your chance. you could've stayed, been by my side through it all, even when it got hard. but you left. i was alone with no parents, money, job, boyfriend. but i knew i had to figure it out for the babies. i wondered what i did wrong for you to leave me like you did. the countless nights i stayed up crying because my kids doesn't have a dad because he didn't love us enough to stay." i felt tears come to my eyes but i held them back, not wanting to give him that satisfaction.

"mama. i'm hungry." Chase whined and lifted his arms up. i sighed and picked him up, resting him on my hip.

"i know. we were just leaving anyway." i looked at Grayson one last time before putting Chase and Chloe in the basket part of the cart, and walking off.

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