W A I T | E.G.D

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING! please don't read if you're easily triggered!⚠️

|Ethan's POV|

baby💍- hey E, i know you're filming with Gray, but i just wanted to say i love you, and i'm so sorry. i can't take the constant hate being delivered to me on a daily bases. i've deleted all my social media's but somehow everyone keeps finding a way to make me feel so worthless.

thank you for these past 3 years. they have meant absolutely everything to me and i couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. your my entire world but i can't do it anymore. you deserve someone better, someone who is prettier, skinner, who can make you feel like you make me feel. someone who isn't broken.

i love you so much Ethan, never forget that baby. goodbye.

my eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the text from y/n. Grayson was talking to the camera, but i read over the text a few times before i registered what was happening.

without saying a word to Grayson, i sprinted to the table and grabbed my keys before going out the my Tesla. i drove home as fast as i could, tears flooding my eyes at the thought of my angel hurting, or worse, killing herself.

i made the 10 minute drive in about 3, and flew threw the front door of our shared home. by now, tears were streaming down my cheeks and i was yelling y/n's name.

i heard loud sobs from our bedroom, making my heart ache. i ran up, opening our door to see y/n with a gun pointed to her head. i was confused, did i not give her enough love? did i not make her feel like she was the only girl i had my eyes on?

mascara was smeared under her beautiful eyes, her hair was down, she looked so... so broken. and what's even worse is i had no clue she was feeling like this.

"i'm so sorry." she whispered through sobs. i shook my head no and stepped close to her, only for her to back up. "don't... step any closer." she said.

"please baby girl. i love you, so much. more then life itself. if i lose you, i lose myself. there will be nothing here for me anymore. i need you. i was planning on proposing, tomorrow night after we went out for your favorite food. i'm ready, to take on any challenge with you, even this. i know we'll get through it, i just need you to lay the gun down, and let me hold you. we don't even have to talk. just please y/n." i begged, taking the ring out of my pocket to show her i was serious.

her tears stopped and she stared at me. "you don't want me Ethan. look at me, i'm a mess. you don't want some broken girl that tried to kill herself."

"but your not broken, your just lost. and i promise, i'll be there with you every step of the way. because i love you with everything in me. and every time i look at you, all i can see is you, carrying my child." she shook her head no.

"i can't Ethan." she whispered and put the gun closer to her head. "yes you can princess. suicide is a permanent solution, to a temporary problem. don't let them have this much control over you, because they went out of their way to say you weren't enough. because i can promise you, you are more then anything i could've wanted or needed. so it shouldn't matter what they say. as long as me and you are happy."

she thought for a second, not saying anything. more tears fell from her eyes before she shakily put the gun down on the bed. i sighed in relief, tears falling from my eyes as well.

i ran to her and engulfed her in a hug, happy i have the chance to do this again.

"i'm so sorry." she whispered over and over. "don't apologize angel. i love you so so much." i pulled her into a kiss, and held her close.

"i love you more E." i shook my head and wiped her tears. "impossible Mrs. Dolan?" i said but it was more of a question as i held the ring. "of course." i smiled wide and slid the ring onto her finger, kissing her again.

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