P I C T U R E S | E.G.D

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thank you for 1k reads!!🥺❤️ i'm posting twice today so stay tuned!!

|Ethan's POV|

"i miss you. please come home." y/n whined, giving me puppy dog eyes. "don't worry baby, i'll be home next week. i miss you more then anything." she giggled, making my heart flutter.

"even more then your X Box?" i made a 'thinking' face for a second, just playing around because if it came down to her or my x box, there is no chance in hell i'm choosing my x box.

"Ethan Grant!" she yelled. i laughed and blew her an air kiss. "i'm just playing princess. i'd pick you any day." she smiled and blew one back. "hey, i'll call you later, i need to give my mom her medicine."

"alright, i love you."

"i love you too." and with that, she hung up. y/n's all the way in LA while i'm here in Jersey visiting family. y/n wanted to come but her mom has the flu and her dad passed away a few years back so she has to stay and help her mom.

"E!" i heard Grayson yell and then his loud footsteps came up the stairs before the door opened and it revealed my idiot brother. "yes?"

"i need to borrow your phone. mine died and i need to text (grayson's girlfriends name)." he explained. i handed him my phone, he was able to get in due to us being identical twins.

"woah." and he closed his eyes. "what?" i asked confused. "dude, your home screen is not something i needed to see." i chuckled, remembering it was a mirror picture of y/n in a lace bra and underwear. i took the phone out of his hand and went to his girlfriends contact so he doesn't see what's mine.

he texted her for a few minutes until he wanted something else. "my girlfriend needs a picture of me for a scrapbook, i'm gonna look and see if you have any good ones." i nodded my head, but remembered i have loads and loads of inappropriate pictures of y/n on my camera roll.

"oh my gosh! you two have problems!" Gray yelled and threw my phone on the bed. "well, you're the one that asked for my phone." he rolled his eyes and walked out. "you're disgusting." he mumbled. i laughed and went through all the pictures of my beautiful baby.

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