B L I N D | G.B.D

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|Grayson's POV|

"baby?" i asked as i walked into mine and y/n's  room. i felt around and soon felt our dresser so i knew i was next to our bed. "yeah?" i heard her angelic voice ask. "can we go get some more fruit for my smoothies?" i heard her walk towards me and then i felt her arms around my waist.

"of course, let me go get changed first." i nodded my head and stood there quietly as i waited. me and y/n have been dating for a little over a year now and i've never seen what she's looked like but i don't need to.

i went blind at 18 and i'm now 21. y/n has been the best thing that's ever happened to me and blind or not, i love her more then anything.

"okay, do you want your cane?" i heard her ask. i shook my head no, but then quickly changed my mind. "Gray, if you don't want to use it, don't ever be afraid to use me." i smiled and nodded my head. "i don't want it." she kissed my cheek and i could tell she was smiling.

i always feel clingy when i have to hold onto her to get around but it feels more normal than having to use a giant stick to feel my way around. i held onto y/n's hand and she carefully helped me down the stairs.


"what kind of coffee?" y/n insisted that we stopped at starbucks, even though she doesn't have to ask me because i can't drive nor see where we're going. but i find it sweet that she always asks me first since she knows i hate not knowing where i am.

"black." she ordered for herself and my drink and i grabbed my wallet from my pocket. "have a great day, your coffee will be right out." i groaned knowing y/n had already paid. since i can't see, i don't know when it's time to pay and by the time i have my wallet out, y/n has already paid.

i heard her soft laugh that made my heart melt. "you can get it next time baby." even though that's what she said last time. she held my hand and lead me to a booth where i sat across from her.

we made small talk until i brought up something i know she's been avoiding. "so, i've been thinking about the surgery." she got very quiet and i heard her sigh.

"Gray, you know i want you to get it but i'm scared." i was confused because she's never told me that and what does she have to be scared about? i'm the one getting surgery.

"about what angel?" i grabbed her hand and placed a soft kiss on it. "that you won't want to be with me after you see what i look like and i can't loose you Grayson." my heart aches knowing she felt this way.

"aww, babe. i could never leave you, ever. you helped me through the toughest years of my life that most girls would've left me at. it doesn't matter how you look, even though i'm positive that you're stunning, but i love you so much and only a fool would leave someone as special as you." i heard her stand up and sit beside me before pulling me into a hug.

"i love you too." she kissed softly, making me fall even harder for her.


"okay, they're about to take you in. i love you so much Gray." y/n said as i laid on the hospital bed. my whole family including
y/n is here while i get surgery, i'm extremely nervous but y/n calms me down.

"i love you too, remember, nothing will change." i reminded her. she kissed my forehead and the doctors wheeled me away before i fell asleep due to the medication they gave me.


|Y/N's POV|

i waited patiently with Ethan while Grayson was in surgery. Ethan is one of my best friends so he knew i was afraid things would change between me and Gray.

"what if he thinks i'm ugly? what is he leaves me for some super model? i mean he could he'-"

"y/n. stop, okay? you're gorgeous and i know Grayson would never leave you in a million years. especially after everything you've done for him. he'd given up hope because no other girl wanted the responsibility of having a blind boyfriend, but you did. you were there for him when i couldn't be, he talks about you non stop." i smiled and nodded my head. "thanks E."


"Grayson Dolan." a nurse said. i was the first one up and ran over to her. "follow me." me and Grayson's family made our way down the hall until we got to room 127. i was nervous to go in so i let his parents and siblings go first.

i stood in the hallway for about 20 minutes, deciding if i should go in or not. "y/n," i turned around and saw Ethan sticking his head out the door. "he's asking for you." i sighed and stood up off the floor. "remember what i said." i nodded my head and gave him a soft smile before walking in.

everyone's heads shot up, including Grayson's. his eyes watered when he saw me, making my heart melt. everyone left the room to give us some time alone, so i walked over to the bed. "Gray?" his smile grew big and he wrapped his arms around me.

"you're so beautiful." he whispered in my ear. i blushed a deep red, making him laugh. "i love you so much." he pulled me into a passionate kiss, making my stomach erupt with butterflies.

"so does this change anything?" i asked hopeful it didn't. "not a thing." i smiled and smashed my lips onto his again. "i love you y/n."

"i love you too Grayson."

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