P A R T Y | G.B.D

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|Y/N's POV|

i looked around for Grayson, not seeing him anywhere. loud music blasted and i could barely hear myself think. i'm just ready to go home.

"y/n!" i turned around and saw one of my friends, Caroline. she was very drunk and was stumbling around everywhere. "hey Care." i forced a smile and before i knew it, a guy was all over her.

i sighed and watched as everyone danced and did their thing while i stood by the drinks by myself. parties aren't really my scene but Gray has a few friends here that he hasn't seen in a while so i decided i'd let him come.

he didn't want to leave me at home by myself either so i got drug along. two arms wrapped around my waist and his cologne filled my nose. i couldn't help but smile as i turned around to face him.

"ready to go?" he whispered in my ear. i nodded my head and he kissed my forehead. "i know you aren't having fun. i'm sorry i drug you here." i shook my head and gave him a soft smile.

"as long as i'm with you, i'm fine." he chuckled and brought me into a kiss. "want a drink?" he asked as he turned to pour himself a beer. "sprite." he rolled his eyes and smiled softly.

"of course you're the one drinking soda at a party." i giggled and pushed his playfully. "one of us have to drive us back home."

"trust me. it takes a lot more then one beer to make me drunk." i rolled my eyes and took a sip of soda. "and if you keep rolling your eyes, i'll make sure they stay back there princess." he whispered making my turn bright pink.

Grayson is usually soft and cuddly, so i always get butterflies when this side comes out. "go for it." he smashed his lips onto mine which caused a big make out scene right here in the middle of the kitchen.

of course no one was actually paying attention to us as they were doing there own thing. he wrapped his arms around the back of my thighs and lifted me up, setting me on the counter.

"Gray- Grayson." i stuttered. he continued to kiss down my neck making me throw my head back to give him more access.

"we're in public." i whispered. he groaned before picking me up again and carrying me to a random bedroom, laying me softly on the bed.

the make out of course led to something else...

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