S H O W M E | E.G.D

445 4 0

please read the authors note at the bottom!

|Y/N's POV|

"BABE! I'M HOME!" Ethan's voice boomed through the house. i turn the tap off and walked to the living room, where i saw Ethan. i smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. "did you have a good day?" i asked and placed soft kisses on his neck.

"mhm, did you?" he pushed me away a little, making me frown. "better now that you're here." he chuckled and kissed my forehead before making his way to the kitchen.

"have you made dinner?" he asked and looked in the fridge. "i was just about to." he nodded his head and grabbed a bottle of water.

"i'm going to shower." i watched as he walked upstairs to our shared bedroom. i sighed and looked out our window above the sink. he never shows me any affection.

sure he kissed my forehead but every time i try to hug or cuddle him, he pushes me away. when i say, i love you, and doesn't say it back. we've been dating for 3 years so that's what hurts the most.


we ate in silence, neither of us saying anything. the only sounds you heard are our forks hitting the plate. "is it good?" i asked. he nodded his head and it went back to no talking.

i huffed before throwing my fork on the plate and running upstairs.

|Ethan's POV|

i looked at my plate, not really having an appetite anymore. i sighed and stood up, following y/n. i heard her quiet sobs through the door, making my heart break. "y/n?" i knocked softly.

"go away!" she yelled from the other side of the door. "baby, i'm sorry. please just open the door." i waited a few seconds before the door opened and revealed something i hate seeing. her eyes were red and her cheeks were puffy from crying. tears stained her beautiful face and she had a sad expression.

"y/n..." i brought her into my arms and kissed the top of my head. "do you even love me?" she sobbed into my chest. "of course. i love you more then anything princess and i'm so sorry for acting the way i do. i've never been loved so it's hard for me to express it. but don't ever think for a second that i don't love you. you're the girl i want to marry, to travel the world with, have kids with. you are my everything." she shook her head and wiped her tears.

"then show me." i grabbed both sides of her face and kissed her like it was my last. it lasted for about 45 seconds before she pulled away with a smile.

"i love you y/n."

"i love you too Ethan." the rest of the night, we cuddled and watched movie after movie on netflix.


thank you guys for 500 reads!!! i have a new book out, Mafia Love, if you wanna check that out. have a great day/night🌺

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