Nymphomania, The Panty Raider.

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Fourth to last chapter, maybe? c:


[Quote #8]

"They say true love is blind; that real romance is timeless."

- Tyler James Williams, "Don't Run Away"


{Jas'marieé's House, Sunday December 14th, 2:38 am}

(Jas'marieé's P.O.V.)

After a stressful night, I laid in my bed and slept. During my sleep, I kept thinking about Sevarion and how he simply died in front of me. It was definitely going to be different with him not being around.

His last words lingered and refused to diminish; like a tattoo on my memory of him.

'I hope you change too...' He told me.

Change...I never really liked change at all. Change requires a lot, and I believe it's too much for me to offer. Seemingly, change was coming easier for me as these days progress. Forgiving my enemies was my form of change, and I was well proud of myself; never in a million years did I ever believe I would forgive Sevarion. I was glad I did, too; weight lifted off of my shoulders.

An hour into my sleep, I heard rustling and turning. I peeked one eye open, and I felt an arm wrap around me. My hair was shifted to one side, and a kiss was planted behind my ear. I turned my body around, only to be greeted by the presence of Prince. He gave me tired but sympathetic smile.

Jas'marieé: Prince? How did you get in here?

Prince: B-More gave me an extra lesson on how to sneak into places without you hearing me.

Jas'marieé: It's too early to be learning.

Prince: Never too early.

Jas'marieé: Why are you in my bed, anyway?

Prince: I missed laying next to you.

Jas'marieé: I bet you do.

He laughed lightly and pulled me closer to him. I moved away slightly, raising an eyebrow at him.

Prince: I'm sorry, babe.

Jas'marieé: For what?

Prince: What I've done. I fucked up.

Jas'marieé: Indeed you did, but I don't know how to feel. I forgive you and all, but I'm all over the place.

Prince: Understandable, but I hope we can clear everything up.

Jas'marieé: Maybe.

Prince: We're a bipolar ass couple, you know that?

I laughed and nodded.

Jas'marieé: We are. I'm still stuck on the fact that I caught you and my cousin fucking, and we fought, then you and I fought, then we had sex. It's weird.

Prince: Yeah...About that, I'm sorry that I even hit you. That was out of my own anger, though it's no excuse for anyone to lay hands on a female. Especially someone that I care about.

Jas'marieé: It's fine, Prince. Shit, I wanted to fight you more than you wanted to fight me.

Prince: Crazy, much?

Jas'marieé: (laughs) Whatever! I'll tell you this, though.

Prince: What?

Jas'marieé: That sex was great.

Intensity: Destination Everywhere. (A Mindless Behavior Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now