Right By His Side.

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 50% off groundation!!!!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah baaaaaai!

Dedicated to barbarabigboss! ♥


  [Monologue #42]

  Let's get away from all the drama. I want it just to be us. Fuck the world. You and I against it. I hope  we will stop war and begin with peace. We'll get over ourselves for one reason — love. It's me, you, and love. Survival of the fittest.



 It was a text...from Jamee?

[MeeMeeOVOXO] pissed tf off with you , but check your twitter . you just might be in trouble .


{Jas'marieé's House, Thursday, August 7th.}

(Jas'marieé's P.O.V.)

I logged onto Twitter through my phone and saw the trending topics...


Remember The Titans


Prince's New Girl


I clicked on the Prince's New Girl one, skeptical about what was going on. Hundreds of tweets came up on my phone.

[A/N: Hope these aren't actual twitter names, loool.]

Leai. † (@leaiovoxo) - The fuck ?? Why is Prince's new girl trending ? o.O

Boomerang. xx (@mindlessboo_) - wtf? who is Prince's New Girl?

NaiMindlessssssssss! (@naimindless) - Prince's new girl is pretty af, brooo! Whoever got the pic is some G's. mad close. >>> twitpic.com/2092...

I clicked the link to the picture and it was the picture I dreaded. Me and Prince at the skate park when I fell on top of him. Fuck my life.

Nelly. xoxo. (@nellymarie_) - Guys , stfu w. this Prince's New Girl bullshit . That's not his new girlfriend and I was there when the shit was going on . The girl fell on him by accident . Thirsty hoes. -_-

I retweeted that and checked my mentions, hoping no one figured out I was in that picture. Boy, was I wrong. I had at least sixty mentions about it.

Intensity: Destination Everywhere. (A Mindless Behavior Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now