Chapter Fifty-Six

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If there was one thing Jungkook hated most was lying, especially to Taehyung. The past couple days have been nothing but lies spewing out of his mouth so Taehyung wouldn't dig and find out about the test hidden in Jungkook's nightstand.

He has been lying about where he was going, what he was doing, and what he was feeling. He had been hiding his morning sickness, somehow managing to get away with it.

Though, the lying wasn't going to stop any time soon, and it was only going to continue until the day finally arrived where Jungkook would be able to spill everything and get it off his chest.

Taehyung didn't seem like he was catching on, oblivious to the whole situation and the way Jungkook's had been acting. The boy wasn't food at keeping his own secrets, especially when a certain someone deserved to know.

He was guilt-ridden, all of it eating him alive the longer he lied and continued to hide the truth from Taehyung. And as he sat on there bed, with the alpha in the bathroom and taking a shower to get ready for the day, Jungkook wiped his sweaty palms on his thighs as he nervously chewed on his bottom lip.

The door opened and revealed a freshly showered Taehyung with fluffy silver blond locks falling in front of his eyes. He was in a fresh set of clean clothes as he slipped on his shoes before making his way to Jungkook, who had circled his arms around his belly.

The blond approached him, leaning down and placing a soft kiss to his forehead as he grabbed his phone from his nightstand. "You okay? You seem nervous," Taehyung had said, noticing the way the boy gnawed on his lower lip.

Jungkook hadn't even noticed the way he was portraying his anxious nerves, causing him to instantly release his lip as he forced a small smile and nodded up at the alpha, "I'm fine."

"You wanna help me do my rounds today?" The alpha questioned as he stuffed his phone in his pocket as he placed his palms on either side of Jungkook's thighs and leaned on his arms.

Jungkook swallowed as he blinked up at Taehyung, another lie about to slip from his lips. "I can't. I promised Hobi we'd hang out today," He said with that same small smile, though it wavered a little bit.

He hated lying right through his teeth. It made him feel guilty and he knew it could ruin the trust they had build for each other. But it was a risk he had to take for now, even though it was killing him to do this to Taehyung.

Taehyung only smiled as he nodded leaning in and capturing the boy's mouth in a hard kiss. "Okay. If you get bored, you know where I'll be," He said as he winked at Jungkook before exiting the bedroom, closing the door behind him and leaving behind a flustered Jungkook.

"I can't believe you're doing this without Tae," Hoseok said as they sat in one of the rooms in the medical center. This just added on to Jungkook's guilt as he tried ignoring the way his heart cracked at the mere thought of doing this with the other.

Jungkook was sat on the table, legs hanging over the edge as he clasped his hands over his lap, gaze casting down in shame, "Please don't say that. I already feel bad for hiding this from him for so long."

Hoseok frowned at the way Jungkook's mood has shifted into a depressing one, just the mention of doing this without the alpha had him feeling worse, replacing him with Hoseok instead.

"Yeah, but it's not like you're never going to tell him, you know?" The older had said, hoping it would in some way make Jungkook feel better about everything. "And he'll be able to go to the rest of your doctor appointments and see the baby."

The thought of having Taehyung beside him at all of his doctor appointments was something he was looking forward to. He could imagine the way the alpha held his hand as his eyes remained on the screen while the doctor showed them their unborn baby on the monitor.

He could already see the smile on his face matched with his glistening eyes as he held Jungkook's hand. He could hear the whispers coming from the alpha, eyes glowing with excitement as he pointed at the screen where their baby was.

He even imagined Taehyung shedding a few tears at the sight of their unborn baby, growing excited that he was going to be a dad soon. He really hoped his imagination would come true and be what he wanted it to be once he told Taehyung the news.

"That's actually made me feel better," The younger laughed lightly, shaking his head as Hoseok smirked at himself, sinking a little in his chair just as the door opened.

Their eyes snapped up and saw who it was. Lena walked through the door with papers and folders in her hands, eyes glued to them as he made her way around the table Jungkook was currently sitting on.

The ravenette swallowed when he realized who it was, feeling a tad bit uncomfortable as he shifted on the table. Lena set her things down on the countertop beside the bed before making her way to the monitor and getting things ready.

"I'm Lena and I'll be your provider this afternoon," She said, finally speaking after Hoseok and Jungkook shared a glance. The boy just nodded as she grabbed a tube of gel, "Please, lie back, lift up your shirt and we'll get started."

Lena seemed to be a little cold towards Jungkook, and the male was unsure as to why. He wanted to say it was all in his head, but he could feel the way her attitude was different when she was speaking with Taehyung, versus now.

Jungkook had laid flat on his back, lifting his shirt up and revealing his toned and flat tummy. Lena poured a generous amount of gel onto his skin, the sticky substance a little chilly as she used the head of the prop to spread the gel along he pelvic area.

"Are you the father?" Lena had asked Hoseok, who was now standing by Jungkook's head with his eyes on the monitor, in hopes to see the little person growing inside of his best friend.

"Oh, no. I'm just a friend providing moral support," Hoseok said quickly as he placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, earning a nod from Lena before her eyes snapped back over to the screen.

"And there's your baby," She said, pausing the screen and removing the probe from his belly. She pointed to the little bean-shaped image on the screen, which had the pair squinting their eyes as the admired it. "Would you like a picture?"

Jungkook was quick to nod his head, eyes glossy as she printed the image out, leaving the room to retrieve it. The pair was left alone, their eyes not moving away from the screen when Lena had came back in and handed the boy the same exact image that was displayed on the monitor.

"Everything looks perfect, and your vitals are great. Your due date is approximately two months from now," She told Jungkook, who could only nod as he admired the picture he held in his hands, while Lena wiped the gel off his tummy. "If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call."

Lena was about to walk out of the room, which made Jungkook quickly sit up and pull his shirt down, jumping off the table, "Wait, Lena." The said omega stopped and turned around to face the boy, brows pulled together a little, "Is there any chance you could keep this between us? The father doesn't know yet and I wanted to surprise him."

Lena only smiled as she nodded, hand on the doorknob. "Of course. Your secret's safe with me. You both have a nice rest of your day," She said before exiting the room, leaving behind the pair as Hoseok peered over Jungkook's shoulder and examined the picture he held in his hands.

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