Chapter Forty-Nine

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Jungkook had never really been a fan of parties or drinking. He never had to plan one. His parents had done that part for him and never pressured him into doing it, either.

So, the Christmas party Taehyung throws every year for the pack was something Jungkook wasn't all that excited for. He tried to show at least some enthusiasm while helping the alpha plan it, but decided to keep himself busy with running errands for the older so he didn't have to exhaust himself by pretending to be excited for it.

He began to wonder if Taehyung would eventually catch on, or already had caught on to what he was trying to do, but the alpha didn't seem to notice, and if he did, he wasn't showing it at all. He just continued giving the boy things to do, which he did without a second thought.

They had decorated the ballroom from top to bottom, Christmas lights dangling from the ceiling, tensile decorating the edges of the round tables as red and green table cloths draped over them. A tree was placed in the back so it was the first thing seen once you entered.

They had gone back out into the forest and cut down another tree for the party room, the bar was set up, too, drinks displayed with cups ready to fill with alcohol or another beverage that was nonalcoholic, which was something Jungkook decided to stick with.

The party was later that day, starting at sunset and everyone was getting ready for the long lasting tradition. It all started with Taehyung's parents, deciding to have some fun by making throwing a festive party that anyone within the pack.

Everything was beautiful, and Jungkook was proud of what they had accomplished just within the few days they had for preparing. Jungkook was currently in the ballroom, gazing up at the Christmas tree that was beautifully decorated by his own two hands, and with the help of Taehyung and his friends.

The lights were dimmed as they began to get ready for everyone to arrive. Music was softly playing in the background, and Jungkook hadn't realized people were already arriving and making themselves accustomed by going to the drinks and pouring a cup.

He was too engrossed by the tree, watching as they flipped a switch and the lights were suddenly glistening in his eyes, dimly lighting up the ballroom. The only thing that registered to him was the warm pair of arms circling his waist and the chin resting on his shoulder.

He turned his head to see Taehyung nicely dressed. He wore a button up and a pair of blue skinny jeans that hugged his thighs in all the right places. "You look nice," The ravenette had told him, smiling after racking his eyes up and down the other's physique.

"Thank you, baby." He pressed a kiss to the boy's cheek, smiling when he saw Jungkook sheepishly look away. "How come you're not ready yet?" He decided to ask him.

He shrugged, looking back up at the tree and watching the light twinkle within the green pines. "I don't know," He mumbled, even though it was a lie. Not being ready meant the longer he didn't have to attend the party, and he wasn't looking forward to it because he didn't know what to expect.

"Go get ready," Taehyung whispered into his ear. Jungkook only nodded as the alpha released him from his grasp, allowing him to go upstairs and into his room to change for the party. "I'll be waiting by the bar when you get back."

Jungkook didn't respond as he walked out of the party room and up the stairs, passing by so many pack members who were attending the small get together Taehyung had thrown. He swallowed hard when he saw some of the outfits people were wearing that night.

Some were wearing outfits that weren't winter weather friendly, such as crop tops and shorts, while some dressed due to the occasion, such as boots and jeans with jackets and long-sleeved shirts that covered every inch of their skin.

He was gaining mixed signals by how the evening was going to turn out, and he tried not to think much about it as he climbed the steps and wandered into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. There was something about tonight that didn't seem right, like something was going to happen, but Jungkook couldn't put his finger on it.

He shook his head, no longer wanting to ponder on the thought, nor the feelings invading his being as he opened his closet and began to rummage through the articles of clothes that were hanging on hangers.

He decided to wear something that didn't make him stand out like everyone else seemed to be doing. He settled on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and a maroon long-sleeved shirt, with a pair of his favorite timberlands.

He fixed his hair in the mirror on his door before opening it and walking out after changing for the party. He exhaled a long breath before descending the stairs and wandering back into the ballroom where everyone seemed to be gathered in now.

The lights were dim and the Christmas tree was glowing. Jungkook looked away from the tree and over to the bar where Taehyung said he would be, only to find him not there. Nibbling on his bottom lip, he made his way over there anyway to pour himself a cup to drink.

He grabbed a red solo cup and poured himself some punch, glancing over his shoulder in hopes to see the alpha somewhere within the mix of the crowd. He assumed he had lost him and wouldn't see him for a while, and this made him begin to think to himself as to why he even decided to come back down anyway.

What caught his attention was when someone had turned around, only for that someone to be Taehyung, who happened to be talking to Lena. The pair were laughing and smiling, and the alpha didn't seem to notice Jungkook's presence at all until he glanced up from laughing.

He beckoned the boy to come over with his hands, not wanting to interrupt Lena as she spoke to him. Jungkook wasn't sure how he felt about this, but made his way over anyway as he held a small smile on his face.

The alpha placed a kiss to the boy's cheek, and this had him feeling only a little bit better about tonight. She eventually excused herself and mingled with others, leaving the couple to be by themselves, not even acknowledging the ravenette boy who was wrapped up in Taehyung's arms.

"I thought you weren't ever going to come down," Taehyung chuckled as he peppered Jungkook's face with some more butterfly kisses, causing him to giggle as he tried pushing him away.

"I didn't take that long," He retorted as he set his cup down, only for Taehyung to grab it and take a sip from it before he asked, "No alcohol?"

Jungkook shook his head as he watched the alpha take another sip before setting the cup down on the countertop, "I'm not really a fan of alcohol."

Taehyung looked down at his own cup, knowing what his was filled with as he pondered on the thought of Jungkook not liking to drink. The boy realized shortly after what he had been sipping on, but it didn't bother him. What he wasn't expecting was for Taehyung to toss his filled cup into the trash beside him.

The younger watched with furrowed eyebrows, bewildered as to why the alpha had thrown his cup away. "Why'd you do that? Weren't you drinking it?" He asked the elder, gaze flickering back and forth from the trash to the other.

"If you're not drinking, then I'm not drinking." He shrugged, and it was the fact that the alpha was being completely honest with him that had Jungkook smiling by how sweet it was.

"Seriously?" He asked, unable to contain the grin that plastered his face and the giddiness he felt within his chest. The older just nodded as he peered into the boy's eyes before leaning in and pressing a lingering kiss to his plush lips. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad after all.

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