Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Jungkook had woken up that morning earlier than usual, throwing on a hoodie and slipping out of their bedroom as quietly as possible so he doesn't wake the sleeping alpha. He perked over his shoulder to make sure he hadn't woken him up before softly closing the door behind him, and making his way downstairs.

The smell of breakfast lingered in the halls, clearly coming from the kitchen as Jungkook furrowed his brows and peered around the corner, seeing Namjoon cooking with a few other of the omegas.

He watched as the omega made breakfast, and Jungkook thought briefly that he was making it for himself, but was proven wrong when Namjoon had turned around and saw Jungkook standing in the doorway as he made his way to the refrigerator.

"Oh, hey, Kook," Namjoon greeted the boy as he put the milk away. "I made breakfast for you and Tae," He told the young ravenette, causing him to only furrow his eyes more if that were even possible.

"I told you I was gonna make him breakfast," The boy said, unsure of how to react to this. His first thought made him feel bad because now he couldn't take the credit and make it extra special for Taehyung on his birthday.

His second thought made him feel relieved that someone had done it for him so he didn't have to stand on his feet and possibly ruin the breakfast dish he had planned.

"I know, but you and I both know you can't cook for shit," He had said as he placed the pancake onto the plate that was set neatly on a tray with a glass of orange juice, and mixed berries in a small bowl.

Jungkook took offense of this as he crossed his arms and stared at the older, just as the others exited the kitchen with their breakfast made for the rest of the pack and for themselves, the door closing behind them and leaving the pair alone.

Namjoon looked over his shoulder and noticed how they were now alone, as he lowered his voice and whispered, "Besides, you're having your aversions to meat, which I remember you explicitly telling me everything you were going to cook. So, I saved you, and Tae's breakfast from being ruined. You're welcome."

For a minute there, Jungkook had completely forgotten he was having his aversions to certain meat, such as ham, turkey, and even bacon. The smell made his stomach churn and made him want to empty everything from his stomach.

Namjoon was a life saver, knowing damn well now he wouldn't have been able to finish preparing Taehyung's breakfast if he were to cook bacon or any other sort of meat peoducts.

"Thank you," He told the omega softly, really appreciating what Namjoon had done for him and taking everything going on into consideration. Namjoon only smiled as he turned back to the stove, holding up the package of unopened bacon.

"You might wanna leave for this."

Jungkook left just in time before Namjoon put the bacon down on the sizzling hot pan. It only took a few more minutes before Namjoon was waving the smell of freshly cooked bacon out the door and opened window above the sink before giving the tray to the boy.

Though he could still smell it, Jungkook was able to power through as he tried making his way upstairs as quickly as he could. He pushed opened the door with his foot, peeking inside to see Taehyung now awake and scrolling through his phone.

The sound of the door opening had him snapping his eyes away from the device and over to Jungkook, smiling once he was greeting by the boy and the tray of breakfast. "Happy birthday," He tenderly spoke as Taehyung sat up in bed.

"Baby," Taehyung said in awe, watching Jungkook place the tray down over his lap, "You did this?"

Jungkook grabbed his own glass of orange juice, sipping on it as he made his way around the bed and carefully sat down, not wanting to spill any of the food or liquids on the bed, "I wish I could take credit for it, but Joon actually made it for me."

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