Chapter Fourteen

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Lying on the grass and looking up at the starry night sky with the cold breeze brushing through his hair and his thin hoodie, causing chills to run up and down his spine was how Jungkook was spending his night.

With his hands behind his head, blanket thrown over his body, hoodie wrapped around his torso, and legs crossed at his ankles with his honey-brown eyes, a faint smile on his lips, Jungkook relished in the night. Crickets chirping around him in the background, stars glistening in the black canvas above him.

Tonight he was alone for the first time in years. And he basked in this moment, not wanting to take it for granted as he took advantage of the peaceful atmosphere dangling around him. His back was pressed against the hard ground, the grass poking the back of his hands as he stared up at the pale moon.

Tonight was perfect. Everyone was inside, fast asleep while he had managed to sneak his way out the front door and planting himself in the middle of the field right outside the pack house. He loved being alone; no drama and just enjoying himself.

He didn't know how long he was out there, but it all came to a halt when he heard footsteps behind him. He felt his heart still in his chest and his body grow paralyzed as he listened to the footsteps patter their way towards him, the faint sound of grass crunching under their feet growing closer.

He didn't move until the movement came to a sudden stop, making him turn his head and look behind him to see Taehyung standing there with his arms firmly crossed over his chest and an oversized hoodie pooling around his frame, making him look small.

The alpha looked as if he had just woken up by the way his hair was disheveled and sticking up in all directions, and his eyes were droopy with sleep. He seemed as if he would tip over and pass out if it weren't for the cold wind blowing by every now and then to send a jolting shiver down his spine.

"What're you doing up, and why're you out here?" The blond-haired alpha had questioned with a husky and sleepy voice. The gravely sound had made Jungkook's stomach do flips as he listened.

Jungkook stayed quiet as he had his head tilted back against the hard ground, eyes looking up at Taehyung, who was gazing down with hooded eyes and lips pulled down in a subtle sleepy frown. "Needed some fresh air," The ravenette mumbled the answer.

The blond only nodded as he rubbed his eyes. Jungkook looked back up at the starry night sky, admiring the glistening canopy stars and glowing pale moon above them as another gentle breeze brushed by, causing his dark bangs to fall in front of his eyes.

Chirping crickets engulfed them as the boys remained silent, neither one talking as Jungkook had forgotten Taehyung was even there, standing behind him and watching over the boy like a hawk.

"Is there a reason why you're up and out here?" He queried, not looking away from the beautifully painted night sky as he spoke to the older behind him. He was almost convinced that Taehyung had turned around and had made his way back inside the pack out because he hadn't responded to the ravenette.

That was until he suddenly sat down beside the boy and pulled his knees to his chest, arms wrapped around them as he held them there. His eyes were heavy with sleep, and he looked like he was about to pass out right then and there because of his exhausted he had looked.

"Can't sleep either," He murmured sleepily, voice gravely, and Jungkook immediately called bullshit on that. He raised a brow at the older, sitting up on his elbows as he gazed at Taehyung with an unamused expression on his face.

"Liar," He retorted sharply, which had Taehyung looking over at the young alpha with his brows pulled to a crease, and mouth slightly parted. "Why are you really out here with me?" He asked again, his voice a little harder this time.

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