Chapter Thirty-Four

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"You need to be quiet or you're going to wake someone up," Taehyung told the boy, who was laughing too hard on the alpha's bed. The elder just watched with an amused smile on his face, still uncertain as to why Jungkook was laughing so hard to the point he couldn't stop to breathe.

Jungkook was currently lying on his side in a fetal position, trying to suppress his laughter from something that wasn't even that funny. All Taehyung could do was watch as he tried not to join in with him because his laugh was contagious.

He just watched and looked away every now and then, trying to not laugh. He glanced back and saw the boys eyes were closed as he tried inhaling deeply to calm himself. His stomach hurt only a little as he clutched it and calmed himself.

He did this for a few more seconds until he was no longer giggling and laughing. He rolled onto his back and let out a deep exhale, hands on his stomach and eyes on the plain white ceiling. Taehyung was sat on the bed, eyes racking over Jungkook and admiring everything about the boy.

Jungkook could feel a pair of roaming eyes on him, and his caused the boy to look over and catch Taehyung staring at him. This made the youngest want to curl up in a ball and hide, his body shuffling on the bed a little uncomfortably as he sat up.

Taehyung seemed to snap out of it once he realized what he was doing to him, shaking his head and blinking as he reached over and grabbed Jungkook's hand. He pulled him over so he was no sitting next to him, planting a quick kiss to his cheek before grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.

The clock beside him read one-thirty in the morning, neither male tired or wanting their night to come to an end. "We should get some sleep," Jungkook mumbled as he watched Taehyung flip through the channels.

"M'not tired," Taehyung murmured back to the boy. He had settled on a movie before setting the remote down on his nightstand, eyes glued to the tv as the sounds of the movie filled the bedroom.

Jungkook had rolled his eyes as he reached over and grabbed the remote, turning off the television before putting it back down and crawling under the covers. Taehyung watched with bewilderment, brows furrowed and mouth parted as he tried processing what just happened.

He looked over and saw Jungkook was making himself comfortable under the covers with his eyes closed and head resting on a fluffy white pillow. His back was facing the elder, black hair sprawled all over his pillow as he relaxed under the warm covers with a wide-eyed Taehyung behind him.

"What . . . What just . . . What?" Is all Taehyung could get out of his mouth as he looked back and forth between the tv and Jungkook, who just hummed with his back facing the other and a small grin on his lips.

The ravenette wanted to throw himself into another laughing fit by the way Taehyung's voice grew squeaky and high towards the end of his sentence. He giggled over how the other was stumbling over his words and couldn't say anything properly, a smile on his lips as he buried his face into his pillow.

"Go to sleep," Jungkook decided to tell him, not wanting to stay up longer than he needed to. Taehyung remained frozen in his spot, unsure of what just happened as he stared at Jungkook's back with stitched eyebrows.

"I already told you I'm not tired yet," He huffed as he reached for the remote and turned the tv back on. Jungkook's eyes opened as he looked over his shoulder and at the older behind him, the male grasping the remote in his hand and eyes on the screen.

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he snatched the remote from Taehyung's grasp, turning off the television and setting it down on his bedside table, out of Taehyung's reach. "And I already told you to go to sleep," He had said.

"Okay, Mom," Taehyung huffed again as he slipped under the covers and laid down. This comment had made Jungkook sit up and turn to face the older, eyes squinted and narrowed onto him with a sharp look etched across his features.

"What did you just say?" He asked lowly, warning clear within his voice as Taehyung looked over and saw the dark look in the boy's eyes. Taehyung, amused by how threatening Jungkook tried to be, found it cute that he couldn't intimidate him in the slightest.

"You heard me," He mumbled as he made himself comfortable under the sheets. Jungkook poked his cheek with his tongue, scoffing as he shook his head at him.

In one swift move, Jungkook was straddling Taehyung, grabbing his hands and pinning them above his head. This made Taehyung's eyes grow a few sizes as he looked up at Jungkook with a slack jaw.

It all happened so fast—too fast for him to do anything. He's usually good at seeing things coming and able to stop it before it can happen, but Jungkook had caught him off guard and beat him to it. Which explained the flabbergasted expression.

Jungkook saw the way Taehyung wasn't able to do anything as he processed what just happened, a smirk making its way onto his plush lips as he peered down at the older man. For the first time in his whole life he felt powerful, even if it was something as silly as this.

He felt like he held so much power just by straddling the other, hands pinned above his head, restrained and unable to move. He couldn't help but lean down so their lips brushed together, Jungkook's warm breath fanning over Taehyung's lips as he looked at the older with half-lidded eyes.

"Are you tired now?" He asked in a low whisper, smirking when he watched as Taehyung's eyes fluttered a little by the close proximity and the way Jungkook's voice was so low it sent tremors down his spine.

Jungkook didn't wait for a response, wasn't even expecting one as he connected their lips in a heat kiss. He had let go of Taehyung's hands and clutched his fingers into the older's hair, tugging on the silky blond strands.

Taehyung somehow managed to take control of the kiss as his hands slid down Jungkook's sides, gripping his hips as the kiss grew more heated. Tongues lapped in each other's mouths, soft huffs and moans filling the dark bedroom.

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