Chapter Eight

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Everyone is destined to have a mate.

The words kept echoing in his head, ringing within his ears. They wouldn't stop. They were on constant repeat and they wouldn't stop playing in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about it. He couldn't stop replaying everything in his head and it was driving him insane.

And you happen to be mine.

He had a mate. Taehyung was his mate. The man who had killed his parents and over half his pack was the guy he was destined to be with. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know much about mates—hell, he knew nothing about having someone who's destined to be yours for eternity.

He felt like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place now. He didn't know if he should tell the others or keep it to himself. He hadn't said anything to anyone about it since then, unsure if it was a good idea since he was still trying to figure everything out.

His mind was a jumbled mess, everything felt like it were scattered all over the place and he couldn't pick up the pieces because there were too many he could handle. His arms felt full and heavy, mind a whirlwind of thoughts and having no idea where to start to organize them.

He had come back to the pack house with little  to nothing to say to Namjoon, who had waited all day for their arrival. He had asked questioned and wondered if the alpha had gotten any of his answers, but when Jungkook wasn't able to bring back hardly anything, he understood and began to think that it was just a waste of time.

Days passed and everyone was still mourning over their losses, but Jungkook was a different story. He didn't have the time. He had been locked up in his room studying everything he needed to know about being alpha and to run a pack all on his own, with very little training.

He had no one to go to during this time, and he really needed someone to help walk him through it, like his parents. But no one was there and willing to help him, and it only added on to his frustrations. The more days that had passed, the more he was looking over books and reading everything he could possibly find.

He went online and did some research, read through so many books and flipped through hundreds of pages, reading every words printed on the page in front of him. However, he felt like he was getting nowhere and wasn't learning a single thing.

He looked through so many books he could find, and there was no one he could go to to ask questions about this certain topic. They weren't allies with other packs, and they already had one who was completely against them and willing to wipe them off the charts.

He was crammed in either his office or bedroom, books scattered over his bed or desk, papers thrown on the floor with his phone set beside him. He pulled all-nighters, barely coming out to eat or drink or to get some fresh air, or to even check on the pack.

He assumed everything was running smoothly since no one had come up to get him and report something. He had his back pressed against the headboard of his bed, book lying on his thighs wide open, his eyes scanning the words printed on the page in black ink.

A soft knock emitted from his closed bedroom door, his gaze snapping away from the opened book and to his closed door, mumbling softly, "Come in."

The door had slowly opened and revealed Namjoon standing at the other side, peeking his head through the small crack he had made form himself and saw the ravenette sat on his bed. He noticed the amount of books that were scattered everywhere, littering his bed.

The omega raised an eyebrow at the mess, body itching to clean it the more he examined it. "What're you doing up here? We haven't seen you in a while," The older stated, taking a step in and closing the door behind him, eyes still glued to the mess on the mattress.

"Just . . . reading," Jungkook had said with a shrug of his shoulders, pressing his lips together as Namjoon nodded and made his way to his bed, clearing a spot for him to sit beside the alpha.

Namjoon caught a glimpse of the book the raven-haired alpha had been reading for the past couple days, and this had his brows furrowing a little as he read the title aloud, "The Book of Alphas?"

Jungkook exhaled a heavy sigh as he closed the book and set it on his nightstand. "Yeah, it's stupid. I know," He muttered as he rubbed his tired face. Namjoon shook his head at the boy, stacking the books and papers and setting them neatly off to the side.

"It's not stupid," He assured with a smile on his lips. Jungkook looked over, hands falling from his face with furrowed brows as he stared at the omega seated beside him.


"It just shows how determined you are," The omega stated with a mere shrug of his shoulders as he leaned his back against the headboard of the bed, looking over at the small ravenette. "So . . . this is what you've been doing the past few days?"

Jungkook nodded, sighing again as he folded his arms over his chest. "Yeah. I didn't get the chance to learn much before the attack, so I'm trying to do it myself. I just don't want to fail at this whole alpha and running my own pack thing," He spoke gently.

Namjoon nodded as he grabbed the pile of books he had moved to the sigh and began looking through them one by one, "You're not going to fail. It's just trial and error, is all, Kook."

"Yeah, but there's just so much pressure on me now, and I don't know if I can handle it," He admitted, looking away from the omega beside him when Namjoon had glanced up at him.

"Kook . . . your parents wouldn't have trained you to be alpha if they thought you couldn't handle it," Namjoon told the raven-haired boy, setting the books back down on the mattress as he gazed at Jungkook.

Jungkook only nodded at this, gaze shifting down to his lap. "I'm not so sure about that," He murmured under his breath, which had Namjoon furrowing his eyebrows at him. "There's a lot of things they've failed on telling me."

"Like what?"

"Well, for example, they didn't tell me about Midnight Rose," He stated matter of factly as he turned his head and looked at the omega beside him. "They failed to mention we had enemies, and that a war was about to break out."

"Yeah, but, Kook, you also have to realize, when your training began, it wasn't too long before the attack," Namjoon pointed out, "I'm sure if the attack hadn't happened, they would've told you. Maybe they didn't mention it because they thought it wasn't the right time."

"I don't know, Joon," Jungkook sighed, looking away from the silver-haired omega and staring at the closed bedroom door instead. Namjoon only nodded as he too looked away from the boy, not knowing what else to say.

He was at a loss of words now, unsure of what to say that would convince the alpha otherwise. Jungkook has always been stubborn, so it was hard convincing him of something if he already had his mind set on whatever it was. But it wasn't impossible.

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