Chapter Sixty-Two

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An extreme discomfort had Jungkook waking up from his slumber, eyes blinking open as his brows furrowed as the pain in his lower abdomen seemed to slowly fade, making him inhaling sharply.

He sat up a little in bed, the room pitch black and Taehyung lying beside him. The boy looked over at the clock on his nightstand, the time reading two-thirty in the morning. A soft sigh escaped his plush lips when the pain faded.

He laid back down, head resting on the fluffy pillow as he closed his eyes and tried catching more sleep. Just as he was on the verge of dozing off, the pain had come back, this one a little more intense than the last.

This one had Jungkook gasping quietly as he sat up fully in bed, Taehyung's arm around him falling on to the mattress as the alpha slept soundly. He placed his hand on his tummy where the discomfort was, inhaling sharply and holding his breath until it subsided.

It only took a few seconds before it was gone, causing the ravenette to exhale softly as his head lolled back with tired, droopy eyes. He leaned back on his hands, legs beginning to ache, unable to keep them still.

He lowered himself back on the bed, back facing Taehyung as he pulled the blankets up to his chin. He nuzzled his pillow and closed his eyes, trying to fall back in that same peaceful slumber he was awoken from.

Minutes passed by with the same pain flaring in his lower abdomen, each one more intense than the last. He had sat up, unable to lie back down as he held his breath through the pain, waiting for it to subside.

Each one was getting longer than the last, his rests in between condensing and not giving him time to catch his breath. The pain only seemed to worsen, and Jungkook couldn't take it anymore.

"T-Tae," He panted, trying to breathe through the pain as he tried shaking his boyfriend awake. The alpha didn't move, falling in a deep slumber as the boy kept shaking him. "Tae."

"No, it's sleepy time," The alpha groaned as he rolled over, and Jungkook knew he was still unconscious by the way he slurred his words.

"Tae, something's wrong," He said, voice strained as he continued shaking the alpha awake. This had Taehyung shooting up from bed, eyes going to the ravenette who was in a lot of pain.

"What's wrong?" He frantically asked, eyes racking over his boyfriend's body after switching on the lamp on his bedside table. One hand rested on the boy's shoulder, while the other one rested on his tummy.

"It . . . hurts," He breathed, huffing when the pain began to fade and was giving him a small chance to catch his breath and relax, only for it to come back seconds later and it had Jungkook whimpering.

Taehyung watched as the younger's face twisted in discomfort, eyes flickering from his honey features to his tummy where he had his hand resting, feeling the baby kick every now and then.

"I think you're having the baby," He whispered before crawling off the bed and slipping on his shoes and making his way over to Jungkook's side of the bed as the boy tried biting back a scream that threatened to leave his throat.

"N-Now?" He panted heavily, unable to breathe properly. The pain was letting him breathe, taking his breath away in just seconds as he sat there in bed, body curling forward a little.

"You don't get to schedule when it wants to come," The alpha said as he began packing things in a bag, throwing a hoodie on and tossing Jungkook a pair of shoes. "Come on. Let's get you downstairs."

He help Jungkook put in his shoes before pulling him to his feet from the bed, helping him walk downstairs. He stopped every once in a while, dropping to his knees as another contraction took his breath away.

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