Chapter Forty-Four

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With a pounding heart and blood boiling under his skin, the young alpha stomped down the hallway until he was standing outside a closed door. He didn't waste any time to push it open, revealing the three men they had captured and Jungkook could barely recognize because of the amount of blood that painted their faces.

Hoseok and the others besides Taehyung were standing behind him as he stood in the doorway, eyes on the three as his jaw clenched and nostrils flared. Just the sight of them had him livid, blood boiling underneath his skin just by looking at them and knowing what they have done.

Yoongi placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, causing the boy to look over and tear his gaze away from the three, looking at one of his best friends. The older shook his head, knowing what was running through Jungkook's mind. So much was happening inside of him that Jungkook didn't know where to begin.

Torture was never something the youngest was fond of, nor did he believe in it. However, Taehyung on the other hand used it for almost everything, and Jungkook didn't like that about him. Despite the amount of anger and resentment that was pumping through him, he vowed to never be like Taehyung.

He didn't want to be someone who used violence as an answer for everything. That wasn't how he was raised and he knew there were other ways around to get the answers you wanted. His way was to talk and be patient, but even that could be tiresome.

He just nodded as Yoongi removed his hand, pulling the door closed and leaving Jungkook alone with the three. Jungkook was now alone with the people who had tried to hurt him, too, and he didn't know how to feel. No one was in there to watch and make sure everything didn't crumble and that Jungkook was safe.

He was left alone in a silent room with his ears buzzing as he stared at the three, who were tied to chairs. Their heads were hanging low, blood dripping from their mouth and staining their faces and matting their hair.

They were barely recognizable, but now that Jungkook paid close attention to them, he could see who they exactly where. Just knowing they were from his pack was enough to set him over the edge and lash out on them all, not caring for the consequences anymore.

Taehyung now thought of him as a monster, someone who had put so many lives in danger and now had possibly lost his trust for good. It didn't take long for him to gain it and to grow close with the blond, but he cherished those moments he was able to spend with him.

Now, all of it was gone in just a blink of an eye, and Taehyung didn't look at him the same. He looked at him as some murderer—monster even, and that alone was tearing him apart piece by piece. What killed him was knowing that Taehyung may never look at him as the same innocent person he once was.

All of that was taken away because of them.

With his back and foot pressed against the wall, he stared at the three in silence. They hadn't looked up to see who it was, and Jungkook would've been convinced they were knocked out if it weren't for one of them blinking and another spitting blood onto the floor.

"Look at me." His voice echoed loudly within the room, ricocheting off the walls. His own voice almost startled him from how loud it was, and by the amount of authority he held within it. It even startled the three boys as they lifted their heads and looked up at the alpha.

Jungkook looked at them with so much disgust, not at all believing they had decided to take matters into their own hands and go on some kind of murdering spree, and he didn't even know the reason for it.

"You three have a lot of explaining to do," He spoke, voice dangerously low as he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at each one of them with narrowed eyes and a deep voice, his command clear. "Your time starts now."

"Or what?" Levi had spoke first, peering up at Jungkook through his bloodied eyelashes as he panted. The alpha scoffed with a shake of his head, pushing himself off the wall and walking towards the beta before kneeling in front of him.

"Taehyung wants to kill you," He paused, voice just above a whisper as he looked into the beta's bright blue eyes, "and I'm not going to stop him. However, he does things differently."

"You really think that's going to scare us?" Jae questioned, smirking at the alpha, and that look had Jungkook wanting to smack it right off him. "We risked our lives day in and day out, every night, knowing damn well you or Taehyung or someone could catch us. Death isn't our biggest fear at the moment if you couldn't tell."

Jungkook hummed as he stood on his feet, shoving his hands into his sweats pockets as he paced back and forth in front of them without uttering a word. He puckered his lips in thought, mentally applauding them for being able to play this way.

He didn't know they had it in them, and he applauded them for it, really. "Okay," He said with a shrug, leaning back against the wall as he folded his arms over his chest, eyes on Yejun this time since he hadn't spoken yet.

"Okay?" Jae repeated, a little confused as to why the alpha wasn't pushing for answers or even asking questions. Jungkook was good at interrogating, no doubt about that, so it was a little surprising that he wasn't asking questions and demanding answers.

The boy only nodded with a soft hum, lips pressed together as the room fell silent once again. The three shared a look with one another, unsure as to what to say or where this was going. Knowing Jungkook, he always had something up his sleeve but the boy was unpredictable at times.

"That's it?" Yejun had asked, finally speaking after moments of nothing. Jungkook looked over at him, not saying anything as the other just stared with furrowed brows. "Just . . . Okay?"

"What else do you want me to say?" He shrugged nonchalantly, tilting his head to the side a little in question. Yejun glanced over at the others, unsure of what to say now as he just shook his head as a response.

Nothing else was said, the silence obviously irritating the three men tied to their chairs. It was easily getting to them by the way Yejun was bouncing his leg, Levi chewing on his lower lip, and Jae clenching his jaw.

This had Jungkook biting back a smile, knowing he was getting to them and his silence was clearly getting on their nerves. They expected more from the alpha, not just silence and nothing to be said. They expected words, threats, questions, demands—anything but this.

Jae seemed to be the leader of the trio, by the way he glanced over at Levi and Yejun and clenched his jaw before looking back at the alpha, "What do you want to know?"

Jungkook smirked, pushing himself off the wall and kneeling in front of the man, elbow on his knee and dark eyes piercing into Jae's as he lowly stated, "Everything."

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