Chapter Twenty

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"I'm calling off the plan." Heads shot up and all eyes were now on the young alpha, who was sat in Yoongi's and Hoseok's bedroom on the mattress. His back was pressed again the headboard of the bed with his legs crossed at his ankles as his fingers were laced together.

Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon shared glances with one another before their stares settled on the ravenette beside them. They stayed silent, unsure of what to say as they stared at Jungkook, who remained quiet and didn't seem like he was about to utter out another word.

"What?" Yoongi had asked the boy, which caused him to look over and meet his gaze. He noticed the way Jungkook's eyes were dark, a storm of unsaid emotions pooling within them as he sat there and stared into Yoongi's eyes.

"I'm calling off the plan," He repeated himself with a lame shrug of his shoulders, looking away and settling his gaze on the tv playing whatever show was on. The males fell silent again as they shared glances with one another once more, silencing asking questions they were seeking answers from.

Hoseok nervously gazed back over at the alpha as his mouth parted open, ready to say something until a nagging voice in his head told him to not utter a word out. He disagreed with what Jungkook's decision was, but he did respect him and knew there wasn't much he could do.

He cleared his throat, mustering up enough courage to ask the question that was on everybody's mind, "Why?"

Jungkook's bottom lips wandered between his teeth, clamping down on the pink flesh as he shrugged his shoulders again. There was this aura the male was giving off that wasn't good, but it didn't seem bad, either.

It seemed as if he was battling a hurricane of emotions inside him, and didn't have the guts to talk them out with someone and seek advice or even comfort. Hoseok and the others could see this, too, but without Jungkook talking, there wasn't much they could do to help the boy.

"It just seems like the right thing to do, I guess," He said, deciding to give them a verbal response but his voice was monotone—drained from all emotion as he stared at the tv screen.

Namjoon couldn't help the smile spreading across his face at the news, excitement bubbling up inside of him as he tried to remain calm and collected. "I'm glad you chose to do this," He told the younger before he laid back with a small grin on his lips and hands resting behind his head.

Hoseok and Yoongi looked over and glared at the omega, their sharp looks causing the smile to vanish rather quickly as he swallowed hard. The couple looked away and gazed back at the young alpha with furrowed brows and parted lips.

"Since when does it seem to be the right thing to do?" Hoseok questioned the youngest with a soft tone of voice, scooting closer to the boy until their thighs were just barely touching as he received another shrug from Jungkook.

"Why cause more trouble when it can be avoided?" Jungkook said, pressing his lips together in a thin line before looking away and gluing his eyes back on the tv screen, "I just feel like we're better than that, and we don't need to seek vengeance."

"Yeah, but they killed over half our pack, Kook," Yoongi had stated matter of factly at the boy, leaning forward so he could look around Hoseok and gaze at Jungkook, "They deserve to have everything taken from them for what they did. They should have to pay—"

"Look, I'm not arguing about this with you guys," Jungkook affirmed, his voice a little sterner as he narrowed his eyes onto the pair beside him, "This is my decision, and I feel it's best for, not only me, but for my pack as well."

"Yeah, but—"

"No," Jungkook snapped, cutting Hoseok off, who flinched at the sudden harsh tone coming from the seemingly aggravated alpha next to him, "This isn't up for debate. I've decided to call the plan off, and that's what's going to happen."

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