Chapter Thirteen

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Golden rays of the sun slipped past the thin slits of the curtains, casting over his honey-toned skin. The warmth on his form had his eyes fluttering open, squinting when he was met with the bright sunlight as he pulled the covers over his head with a groan.

Darkness consumed him once again, sighing as he closed his eyes and tried to lull himself back to sleep. But when a knock on his door rang through his ears and filled the room, lifting his head from his pillow and looking over at his closed bedroom door.

His brows pulled together, wondering if he was had imagined it as he laid his head back down on his fluffy pillow, eyes closing as another knock jolted his head back up. Now he knew he wasn't imagining it as he heard a deep, muffled voice emit from behind the door, "Time to get up."

Jungkook's eyebrows stitched together as he threw the blankets off his body and swung his legs over the edge of the mattress with a heavy sigh. He yawned as he stretched his arms above his head, the neon green numbers from the clock beside his bed catching his attention as he read the time.

7:30 in the morning?!

"What the hell?" He grumbled to himself as he stood from his bed with tousled hair sticking in all directions. He had grabbed a hoodie from his closet as he opened his bedroom door, no one behind it as he glanced up and down the hallways.

Annoyance surged through hun as he slid on his slippers before heading out of his room, meeting Hoseok, Namjoon, and a grumpy-looking Yoongi in the hallway as they started descending the stairs, following everyone else.

Jungkook had looked around, seeing how everyone was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, while they were yearning for some more hours of sleep. He had taken a mental notice they must always wake up this early in the mornings as they entered the kitchen where breakfast was made and already served.

Plates, cups, and silverware was already placed onto the table, pitchers of orange juice sat in the middle with plates of pancakes and bacon were stacked. Jungkook glanced over at Yoongi, who had seemed to not be in the mood to eat as he yawned and took a seat beside Hoseok.

The ravenette shook his head, wanting to turn and go back upstairs and into his room and sleep for a few more hours until he wasn't tired anymore. He was tempted, really, but the only thing that stopped him was the blond-haired alpha who stood behind him with his arms crossed over his chest.

Taehyung was in his way, and knowing how stubborn the male was, Jungkook knew he wouldn't be able to go back upstairs and into his room without Taehyung putting up a fight. He knew more than likely the alpha would win, but to Jungkook it was almost worth a try.

He had stopped behind a chair beside Namjoon, the omega done sat down with a chair in between him and Hoseok. All the alpha really wanted was a nice fresh, hot cup of coffee to get his day started and rolling.

The bacon and pancakes on the table seemed appetizing right now, too, along with everything else that was set out on the table as everyone else began to dig in, thanking the omegas who had prepared them their morning breakfast.

Jungkook and the others ate a little bit, no one really conversing as they enjoyed their first meal of the day in silence. The raven-haired alpha looked up and down the table, noticing how everyone seemed to be . . . happy.

Which was weird because with all the stories he had heard from his friends about how Midnight Rose seemed to be a much miserable pack. He was beginning to believe they were just assuming because of their actions in the past, and maybe they were indeed a friendly and happy pack.

Just like Mystic Shadow.

He didn't want to put too much though into it, though, but he couldn't help but wonder if they were judging them all too quickly and weren't giving them a chance, and possibly misunderstanding the large pack. He wanted to believe that. He truly did, but he didn't know what to think, what to trust, or what to do.

All he knew and understood was Midnight Rose had suddenly attacked his pack, and not knowing the true reason as to why, he couldn't help but think maybe they're hiding something. That Taehyung was hiding something.

Namjoon had nudged the alpha with his elbow, gently grabbing the boy's attention when he noticed he had spaced out. Jungkook snapped his head over to see the omega looking at him with concern-filled eyes and eyebrows pulled down in worry, "You okay?"

A nod was sent his way with a small reassuring smile, too. Namjoon, not entirely convinced, just bobbed his head in a single nod as he decided to not push the alpha. Especially in front of a whole new pack and their certain blond-haired alpha sitting just across from them.

Jungkook had poured himself a mug full of hot coffee, wanting to wake up before their day started. He had glanced up and saw Taehyung's eyes on him briefly before he looked away once he was caught staring.

With a brow cocked, Jungkook brought his cup to his lips and blew on the steaming brown liquid before taking a small test sip. The warmth of the coffee trickled down his throat as he set it down on the table, his eyes on the alpha across from him.

Once breakfast was done, Jungkook, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi had snuck off to the ravenette's bedroom when the tables were being cleared of dirty dishes. Luckily, they weren't caught as they quickly and stealthily made their way up the stairs and locked the door behind them.

Jungkook had turned and grabbed the remote, switching on the tv and creating background noise before he plopped himself down on his bed. Namjoon had sat at the foot, while Yoongi made himself comfortable beside the ravenette under the covers and closed his eyes.

Hoseok was slotted in the middle between the alpha and the delta, knees pulled up to his chest as he watched the television in front of him. Namjoon soon laid down on his side, hand propping his head up as he watched the screen.

After a few moments of the small group of males watching tv in peace, the raven-haired boy sat up and leaned his back against the headboard of his bed, and legs crossed at his ankles. They've only been there for a little over twenty-four hours now, and so far, Jungkook hasn't seen what he thought he would see.

He thought he would see a miserable pack, always seeking vengeance, or out to take over as much territory as possible. He thought he would be witnessing planning, meetings of what their next move would be, training for what's to come.

However, he wasn't met with any of that stuff. Instead, he was met with a happy and cheerful pack, that seemed to be living their best life. The kids had fun running around and enjoying their childhood, while the adults watched from afar and conversed with others.

Even Taehyung seemed to be happy and wasn't at all that murderous alpha that Jungkook was told about. So far, Taehyung had been nothing but kind ever since their arrival, and it made Jungkook wonder if he really was the violent alpha everyone claimed him to be.

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