Chapter Eighteen

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"Y-You're sorry?" He echoed, eyes staring into Taehyung's as the male nodded as a response. This had Jungkook's heart dropping into the pit of his stomach, eyes growing in size as his jaw went slack. "Oh . . . Uhm . . . O-Okay."

Taehyung raised a brow as he furrowed them, not expecting this as a response from the boy. "Just . . . okay?" He asked him, and this had Jungkook mentally slapping himself because of his reply to the elder as he shook his head.

"N-No. That's not what I meant," He rushed out as he frantically shook his head, sighing at how awkward he was now becoming. Truth be told, he wasn't expecting an apology from the alpha, or at least this soon, so it threw him off. "It's just . . . why? Why are you suddenly apologizing?"

Taehyung cleared his throat again as he scratched the back of his neck, chuckling awkwardly as he shifted in his spot on the porch. "I don't know," He replied with a shrug of his shoulders, the action so nonchalant that it annoyed Jungkook a little more.

"I just wasn't expecting you to apologize, is all," Jungkook had stated when he noticed that Taehyung was growing flustered and a little embarrassed again. He noticed the way the alpha looked away and was now avoided eye contact once more. "It kinda threw me off."

"I know, and it's okay," Taehyung reassured the boy, finally looking over and meeting his soft gaze with his own tender one, "I've just come to realize what I did was wrong, and I'm sorry."

"Wow," Jungkook chuckled nervously, still unable to wrap his head around the fact that Taehyung was sitting beside him, and was now apologizing for what he did. He didn't know what to do at this point.

For so long, he has grown to be resentful towards this certain man, and he had convinced himself he wouldn't be able to look at him the same. He wouldn't be able to look at him as a harmless person, someone who wanted to spread nothing but love.

It was hard for Jungkook to believe that, or even see that coming from Taehyung, and when he had come up with the plan to merge their packs together, he really thought Taehyung would treat them poorly. That's what he was told with every story he had heard coming from his friends.

He was uncertain of what to think, and he didn't know how much he believed Taehyung. He wanted more than anything to believe Taehyung was telling the truth, and was being genuine with his words and apology, but his heart was protecting himself, and he didn't know if he could believe him just yet.

"I honestly wasn't expecting this," Jungkook mumbled out, his voice so quiet, the winds of the night air almost drowned it out, but Taehyung somehow managed to pick up what he said. "Uhm . . . I don't know what to say."

"I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm certainly not pressuring you to forgive me, either," Taehyung went on to say, "And I know no matter what I say or what I do, nothing will bring back your parents, your brother, or anyone in your pack who had died during the attack. I just wanted to get that off my chest."

Jungkook only gave the man a single nod, still unsure of what to say. He swallowed hard, pressing his lips in a thin line as he tried his best to find something to say. This moment felt a little awkward for the both of them, the unsteady tension thickening around them only suffocating the males.

However, nothing came to mind. He had no idea this would happen, and he certainly wasn't expecting it, either. It was surprising to him, really, and he didn't take Taehyung as someone who apologizes for his actions, no matter how minor or major they were.

"I . . . Like I said, I don't know what to say," Jungkook said again, looking into Taehyung's eyes and noticing the stars reflecting off them. The alpha just nodded with a tightlipped smile before he looked away. "It's not that I don't want to forgive you. It's just that . . . I'm not there yet."

"No, I get it." Taehyung shook his head, looking back at the youngest with an assuring smile on his mouth. Jungkook forced a small grin, still unsure of what to respond with as they let the silence consume them once more.

Things were awkward again, the air around them unsettling and a little thick with tension the longer they sat in the dark. Jungkook shifted uncomfortably in his spot on the porch step, swallowing hard or clearing his throat as he racked his brain on what he should say.

Nothing was coming to mind, and he was forced to sit in an uncomfortable silence with his lips pressed together in a thin line. This apology was so sudden, and Jungkook was still unable to wrap his brain around it.

It took him by surprise, throwing him off guard and wasn't at all prepared for this yet. He wished Taehyung would come to him and apologize, for endless nights ever since the attack, all he wanted was for Taehyung to apologize, despite knowing that it wouldn't fix anything, but it was all he wanted.

Hearing the apology certainly threw him off his game, and now he wondered if he truly meant the apology, and wasn't just saying it in hopes Jungkook would no longer resent him and his pack. Looking into Taehyung's eyes, he seemed as if he meant everything he said, his voice showed it, too.

But Jungkook's heart wanted to refuse it, and he had no idea what the hell his head was saying to him. Both were screaming at him, one part wanting to believe every word that tumbled from the older's lips, while the other part refused someone like Taehyung would ever feel some kind of guilt for what he had done.

He was stuck.

He didn't know what to believe anymore.

All he knew was he couldn't sit out here in this awkward silence anymore, and he had to get away from Taehyung. With a pounding heart rapidly hammering into his ears and thumping against his chest, he cleared his throat and slowly stood from his spot on the step.

This caused Taehyung to look up with furrowed brows and a parted mouth as he too stood from his spot on the porch step and faced the youngest. "I'm gonna head on in," Jungkook softly told the eldest with a small grin on his lips.

Taehyung only nodded as he opened the door for the young ravenette, smiling as well as Jungkook stepped inside and felt his heart flutter a little at this innocent gesture. He walked a little too fast to his room with Taehyung behind him, heading to his own bedroom.

"Night," Taehyung told the boy as he walked down the hallway, passing by Jungkook, who was entering his dark bedroom. The younger only smiled and whispered a soft, "Goodnight."

He entered his room and shut the door, pressing his ear against it as he carefully listened for Taehyung's door to shut. Once he heard it, he opened his door and peeked his head through, looking up and down the hall to make sure Taehyung or anyone wasn't lingering in the hallway.

He stepped out and quietly shut his door behind him before making a beeline to Hoseok and Yoongi's room, slipping in and shutting it silently behind him. He grabbed the remote and flipped on the tv before switching on the lamp on the nightstand.

Yoongi groaned and squeezed his eyes shut as he rolled over and wrapped his arms around Hoseok, who was also fast asleep under the covers with his head pressed against Yoongi's chest. Jungkook's hands began shaking the pair awake, violently, which caused the couple to open their eyes and look around the room.

"What the hell?" Yoongi grumbled as he slowly sat up in bed, sheets falling from his bare torso and pooling around his naked waist. "What're you doing here? It's three in the morning."

"What's going on?" Hoseok murmured sleepily, rubbing his eyes with his fists as he also sat up in the bed and looked over at Jungkook. The alpha looked over his shoulder before looking back at the sleepy couple, lowly whispering, "We have a bit of a situation."

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