Chapter Thirty-Seven

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It had been a few days since Namjoon was released from their care, and was able to be on his own after the attack. Jungkook made sure to check on him daily to see how he was doing and if he needed help with anything.

The omega was down to one working arm for a few weeks until his shoulder healed from being dislocated. Since then, Jungkook hadn't spent a lot of time with Taehyung, still a little bothered by his and Lena's interaction a few days ago.

He was more focused on Namjoon and worried about how to catch whoever was doing this. He had made his rounds by checking up on the omega and the others, being sure to avoid the alpha at all costs.

He sat in his room alone, eyes on the tv screen as he sipped on his soda. The sun had set and the stars scattered the night skies, the pale moon shining through the thin slits of his curtains draping over his window.

He sat in a hoodie that was too big for his small frame, sweatpants hanging dangerously low from his hips, his v-line disappearing behind the waistband. The bedroom was quiet and the boy was almost certain everyone was in bed and had fallen fast asleep.

He remained wide awake as he tried to lull himself to sleep or even doze off a little. He curled himself up into a ball on his bed, hood over his head and eyes glued to the screen as his phone laid beside him.

It was weird being back in his own bed and in his room again. He had been staying in Taehyung's bedroom for a few weeks now, and he was now finding himself back in his own room alone, watching tv with no one beside him.

It was lonely, really, which was also weird because Jungkook used to love being alone. He loved having a room all to himself with no one to bother him. He used to love having his own space where he could do whatever he wanted.

Now it didn't feel right.

Nothing felt right anymore. Here he was in a room he didn't grow up in. A place where he had to call his new home, which wasn't the plan at first. The plan was to get close to everyone here and start seeking their revenge.

But plans changed when Jungkook started feeling different towards Taehyung—towards their whole situation. He had been spending a lot of time with the alpha, which wasn't bad or wrong, but things between them did start to change.

Jungkook hoped it was for the better, but now he wasn't so sure anymore. They've been together for a few weeks now—almost a month, which wasn't what Jungkook was expecting once he moved in and merged packs with the blond.

It wasn't a bad thing, either. It happened to be a great idea to do, and everyone seemed to be happy and okay with his decision. Namjoon was the one who was able to change his mind about the plan for vengeance, but now everything seemed to not being going right anymore.

People were dying, and Jungkook nor Taehyung were able to protect them. They were stuck and had no idea what to do. This hadn't happened before with either males, and they felt as if every plan they came up with wasn't good enough to catch the culprits.

Jungkook was just grateful Namjoon was alive and doing better—everyone was. With Namjoon alive and well, Jungkook was hoping there would be something the omega would've remembered during the attack so they would be able to pinpoint who it could possibly be.

But it feels like they're stuck in this bottomless pit with no way out. They had no clues and no evidence to begin to lead them down the right path. Everything was so frustrating to the young alpha, and all he had been able to do was stay up all night and think of what to do.

People were scared to even go outside, even in broad daylight. No one besides the alpha, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, and Seokjin knew the attackers could possibly be a part of the pack. They kept that part to themselves because they didn't want to scare anyone any more than they already were.

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