Chapter Five

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Silence had filled the room as the two alphas stared at one another, neither one speaking unless spoken to, and Jungkook has never felt this confident before in his whole life. He sat there in his chair, legs crossed at his ankles and elbows resting on the armrests of his seat.

The blond hadn't uttered a word, leaning back in his chair with his elbows resting on the arms of his seat with his fingers laced together, hovering over his lap as he stared down the raven-haired boy seated in front of him.

Getting tired of the silence and done with whatever game Jungkook was playing, the blond-haired alpha leaned forward and against his desk; hands still clasped as his raven eyes peered into Jungkook's honey-brown ones.

"You're here for answers, you say?" The other asked, earning a nod from Jungkook and a small hum as a response, his smirk never wavering from his plush lips. "Who says I'm willing to give you the answers to your questions?"

A humorless chuckle tumbled from the raven-haired boy's lips, glancing away from the alpha as he lulled his head. "Look, you don't like me, and I'm honestly not very fond of you either," He began, locking eyes with the silvery blond male, "The easier you comply, the sooner we'll leave and won't have to see each other again."

The alpha quirked a brow at this, noting how Jungkook had made a valid point, and wasn't at all disappointed. He leaned back in his chair, clearing his throat as he nodded a little at him, "Fair point. Ask away."

"I'm new at this whole head alpha thing," Jungkook began, "And to be honest with you, I had no idea your pack existed, let alone the fact that we're enemies. I'm here to figure this out and get the answers to my questions, so I want to know why?"

The blond stayed quiet for a few seconds, letting the anticipation grow around them as he kept the boy on the edge. "Do I need a reason to not like your parents?" He asked the ravenette, and all Jungkook could do was stare at him with slightly furrowed eyebrows.

"So, you just go around and kill everyone you don't like without any reason?" He questioned, confusion laced within his voice as the other nodded almost confidently, and Jungkook swore he saw a flicker of a faint smirk on the alpha's lips. "I smell bullshit."

"Oh?" The alpha mused, a faint smile working its way onto his features. He was loving this way too much, and Jungkook didn't understand why. This must've been a game for the blond, although Jungkook was being nothing but serious while the other saw this as a playful match of whatever game he was willing to play.

"I know people like you, and I know how you play," Jungkook stated in a venomously low voice as he leaned forward in his chair, elbows resting on his now bent knees with his fingers laced together, "I know there's always a motive behind everything you do. You wouldn't have wasted your time on my pack. Especially since we're so small compared to others."

The blond raised an eyebrow at him, a little amused by how Jungkook was approaching this. He was collectively calm and put together, and he wasn't lashing out or acting on impulse to get his answers, like most alphas have done in the past when confronting the blond.

"So, I'm going to ask again," Jungkook said, voice dangerously low, the words barely reaching everyone's ears as they watched the two alphas, "Why did you do it?"

The blond stared at Jungkook for a little bit, pressing his lips together before leaning back in his seat with a sigh escaping his pink lips. Another wave of that strong scent filled Jungkook's nasal cavity, the overwhelming smell consuming every inch of him and clouding his mind a foggy haze of allurement.

He could feel a warmth spread over his whole being, his eyelids growing heavy and his heart skipping a beat. He could hear his wolf growl, clawing at the surface to take over and be in full control, and Jungkook was having a hard time keeping the connection turned off.

He had to force his eyes to stay open, feeling as if he were under some kind of spell that made him dizzy and mind go hazy. The smell was overwhelming and making his wolf lose his mind, unsure as to why and what it was coming from.

"You really want to know?" The blond's voice had come out velvety smooth and deep, dark eyes peering into Jungkook's soft hazel ones as the raven-haired alpha nodded his head as a response, "I have a lot of reasons as to why I didn't like your parents. One being they couldn't mind their own business."

This had Jungkook almost wanting to object, knowing very well his parents weren't the type of people to stick their nose in to everyone else's business. They had always kept to themselves and stayed out of the way, and everyone could vouch for that, too.

"Explain," Jungkook commanded, eager to learn as to why the alpha had thought this. The blond chuckled airily, kicking his feet up and resting them on his desk as he made himself comfortable in his black leather office chair.

"They liked to spy and see what we were up to, and it was constant to the point it made everyone in my pack feel uncomfortable; as if they couldn't have any privacy," He explained further for the boy, but Jungkook, however, wasn't buying whatever story the man was selling.

Jungkook glanced over his shoulder, his eyes briefly meeting Hoseok's and Yoongi's as they both barely shrugged their shoulders, they too not believing what he was telling them. There really wasn't any physical proof to prove that Jungkook's parents weren't like this, so all he could do was claim and stress how that wasn't true.

"You know, if you're going to lie, at least make it believable," Jungkook stated with a derisive smirk plastering his baby pink lips, and this had the blond-haired alpha lifting an eyebrow, "I've known my parents my whole life, and I watched them while I was growing up. I know everything about them, and whatever bullshit story you're coming up with is false claims, and I would like to be told the truth if that's okay with you."

To say the other was surprised by this sudden behavior would be an understatement. He was a little speechless that Jungkook had enough courage to call him out like this in front of everyone in the room, but he could sense the challenge in the young alpha's voice and he couldn't give up now.

He liked how determined and confident Jungkook was, but it wasn't that much of a shock that he was since he was an alpha. However, this seemed to be a little different, and the blond couldn't seem to get enough.

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