Chapter Seventeen

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"Couldn't sleep again?" The voice belonged to Taehyung, which had startled Jungkook as the boy sat on the porch alone in the dark. He didn't register the door behind him opening, nor the feet pattering their way towards him as he was emerged in his own thoughts.

He looked over his shoulder with a hand held over his chest, pressed against his rapidly beating heart before he rolled his eyes and let out a sigh of relief when he realized who it was. "Don't scare me like that," He tried to sound threatening, but his voice was shaky from his heart leaping out of his chest.

A deep chuckle bubbled from Taehyung's lips as he shut the door softly behind him and took a seat beside the ravenette boy. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you heard me coming," He told him, looking over as Jungkook refused to meet his stare.

"No, I didn't," Jungkook stated matter of factly, and little annoyed that he was scared so late into the night and his heart rate wasn't slowing down. He had been a little jumpy for the last couple days for some unknown reason, and he really couldn't help it.

Maybe it was because of what was to come that was making him jumpy and a little antsy. He had been tiptoeing around Midnight Rose and trying to stay low while the plan was slowing coming into motion.

"Like I said, sorry," Taehyung retorted, narrowing his eyes onto the raven-haired alpha beside him. Jungkook ignored the snippy tone the older had given him as they fell silent.

Jungkook had thought Taehyung would've gone back inside the pack house and get some sleep, but was a little surprised when he hadn't moved. He didn't seem like he was going to leave any time soon, and this had Jungkook internally groaning.

He loved being alone, especially on nights like this. He enjoyed the peaceful nature surrounding him, listening to the crickets chirping, and watching the stars glistening along the black canvas painted above him.

Now, Taehyung was by his side and doing the same as him. He was staying quiet and giving the young ravenette his much-desired space as the pair sat on the porch. Jungkook would give him points for being respectful of his space, and his love for quiet.

However, he still didn't like the fact that he wasn't alone to be with his thoughts. But then again, maybe it was a good thing Taehyung was there, so Jungkook couldn't think whatever was on his mind.

He was drowning in his own thoughts, suffocating himself and unable to breathe. He realized he was doing this to himself, but he didn't know how to stop. He couldn't stop, really, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't make himself breathe.

"Something's on your mind," Taehyung had mentioned, and this caused Jungkook to snap his head over and look at the alpha sitting beside him. His eyes bored into Jungkook's, knowing damn well something wasn't right with the youngest. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Jungkook only stared at him, unsure of what to say as he slowly shifted his gaze onto something else that wasn't Taehyung and his mesmerizing eyes. He could only shake his head, not trusting his voice as he swallowed hard and avoided all eye contact with him.

An elbow had nudged Jungkook, bringing him back to reality and was now staring back into Taehyung's dark orbs. "Come on. I won't judge," He tried to reassure the younger, but Jungkook wasn't going to pour everything out and pile it onto Taehyung.

Instead of coming clean with everything the ravenette boy had planned to get his revenge on Taehyung's pack, he knew he had to utter out some bullshit lie to get the man off his back. But he wasn't comfortable lying.

"Nothing," He decided to say, hoping Taehyung would catch the hint and leave it be, but since they've been staying here and have been a part of Midnight Rose, Jungkook realized that the certain silvery blond-haired alpha was stubborn and always got what he wanted, and didn't give up without a fight.

"You don't seem fine," The older retorted, but this time, it was playful. There was a hint of tease in his tone, and it almost had the corners of Jungkook's lips twitching upwards in a small smile as he looked away. "Come on. Just tell me."

Feeling pressured was something Jungkook wasn't good at dealing with. It always made him panic and feel cornered, unable to move and think clearly with all these expectations piling on top of him to the point he felt like he was going to collapse at any given moment.

And that's what Taehyung was doing right now; pressuring him into doing something he didn't feel comfortable enough doing just yet. He understood Taehyung just wanted to be helpful, and hope it would take some stress off the younger, but this wasn't something he needed to know.

In order to get Taehyung off his ass for now, Jungkook had to make up some bullshit lie. And that's what he found himself doing; racking his brain for something to say in hopes it'll get him off his back for now.

"I guess . . . ever since the attack, I haven't been sleeping well," He sputtered out, mouth deciding before his brain could. He looked over and saw Taehyung only nodded with his lips pressed together in a thin line, not knowing what to say.

"Oh," He echoed, swallowing as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He cleared his throat as he shifted in his seat, mouth opening only to close as he tried thinking of what to say in hopes it'll comfort the young ravenette.

Jungkook thought this was a little amusing in his eyes, watching an almost flustered Taehyung trying to figure out something appropriate to say that wouldn't offend Jungkook and would only make him feel better.

Taehyung was stumbling over his words, cheeks tinted a light pink, and this only made Taehyung grateful it was dark out so Jungkook couldn't see the heat rushing to his cheeks and see he was a blushing mess.

"I-uh . . . ." He cleared his throat again, swallowing as he tried so hard to think of something to say. Anything to say, but he was also wary of what to say. He eventually let out a defeated sigh as his body slouched a little, "I'm sorry."

This had Jungkook's smile fading quickly as his brows shot up at the alpha seated beside him. His mouth parted a little as his eye grew round, uncertain of what this apology was supposed to mean as he croaked out, "What?"

"I'm sorry," Taehyung repeated himself, those words hanging in the air and dangling above their heads, "I . . . I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I'm sorry about everything. What I did was wrong, and I'm really sorry, and I hope you can come to forgive me."

This sudden apology had thrown Jungkook off guard as he remained wide-eyed at the alpha. He wasn't at all expecting him to come out here just to apologize for something Jungkook was almost certain he would never apologize for. And what made matters worse was the fact that the plan was already in motion at this very second.

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