Chapter Fifty-Three

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Hot beads of sweat collected on his forehead as he had his back pressed against the cabinets, sitting on the bathroom floor. The door was locked as he sat there, stomach churning and mouth watering.

He had been stuck in the bathroom for some time now, unable to leave without having the intense feeling of vomiting everything up in his stomach. He had woken up a little bit later than usual, too, body tired and weak as he pulled himself out of bed, only to rush back upstairs and into the bathroom.

His stomach felt empty, but the intense wave of nausea wasn't going away. He didn't want to lie in bed for the rest of the day, only able to walk straight without the discomfort from his lower half. It had only been a few weeks, though, but he was happy he was able to walk again after their week together.

As they had assumed, they received weird and knowing looks, whispers filling their ears but unable to catch what was being said. Jungkook didn't pay much mine to it, but Taehyung was a little embarrassed as he remembered how rough they had gone at it.

The amounts of loud moaning and screaming from their bedroom couldn't go unnoticed by anyone within the pack. Someone was bound to walk by their door and hear the commotion going on just from the other side.

Jungkook expected it to happen, and Taehyung did too, but he didn't like the fact that people were making it obvious that they knew. They hadn't told anyone about their relationship, though, they never did make things official between them just yet.

The ravenette didn't mind though, loving what they had and knowing a simple question could possibly ruin what's happening between them. He pushed the thought back to his mind, not really caring about the labels and only focusing on the fact he had Taehyung to himself.

The toilet flushed before Jungkook stood up and brushed his teeth, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before exiting the bathroom. Taehyung was currently downstairs, unaware of Jungkook's state as he was busy with the pack and getting ready for Christmas.

The boy didn't want to bother him with something like this, knowing it could just be the flu or even a small stomach bug that would go away within the next week or two. He felt a little fatigue, though, but decided to just take some medicine to get rid of the achiness in his body.

His eyelids were heavy with sleep as he opened the window to their bedroom and allowed some of the winter air to waft through their room. Fresh powder was on the ground, the snow falling just the night before, and the cool air sweeping through his hair and cooling his warm skin.

His eyes fluttered closed as he leaned against his palms on the windowsill, allowing the cold and fresh winter weather to cool him. He started feeling a little better as he inhaled deeply, the bitter cold air freezing his lungs.

Not wanting to worry Taehyung, the ravenette soon closed the window and wandered out of their room and down the stairs. He was met with the smell of dinner, and the mixture of scents had Jungkook's stomach churning again.

He was met with a few of the pack members, the same knowing looks and whispers surrounding him with everyone he had passed by. He didn't care at the moment, just wanting to find Taehyung and be in his arms.

An overwhelming urge to be next to Taehyung washed over him, making it his mission to find the alpha and just be around him. He looked everywhere for him, outside in the fields, the front porch, the backyard, the theater room, the kitchen, dinning room—literally everywhere and he was unable to find him.

He felt his stomach drop and heart begin to beat erratically in his chest, unsure as to where the blond could've been. He hadn't been upstairs in the bathroom for that long, surely, but knowing he was gone and he couldn't find him had an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach.

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