Chapter Six

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Golden rays of the sun seeped through the thin slits of the curtains, pooling into the small office room. Faint breathing filled the space, locked eyes and sharp looks were thrown around as silence was the only thing heard within the four walls.

Jungkook doesn't know how long they've been sitting in the silence, giving up on keeping track of the time as the minutes seemed to turn into hours. The ravenette sat in the cushioned chair, arms resting on the armrests and legs crossed at his ankles as he stared at the alpha in front of him.

Hoseok and Yoongi stood behind the ravenette, arms folded over their chests as Seokjin and the other were positioned beside the blond, mimicking the other's stances. Jungkook waited patiently for someone to break the silence, but as timed ticked by, not a single words uttering from anyone, he was beginning to think no one was going to speak.

The blond seated behind the desk remained quiet, letting Jungkook's words linger above their heads. The question still remained hanging in the air for the blond-haired alpha to answer, but time had past and it seemed like the stubborn male wasn't going to say anything.

Jungkook had never grown so annoyed with the buzzing ringing in his own ears before in his whole life. The longer they sat there, the more his body was itching to speak, or even walk out of the office and back home.

He felt like he was getting absolutely nowhere with the man, and he was tempted to leave and never return or show his face here again. The blond cleared his throat, the tips of his fingers brushing over his plush pink lips as he locked gazed with Jungkook.

"Your parents killed my parents," The alpha's deep voice sliced through the silence, the words spilling from his lips and it was like music to Jungkook's ears that someone had finally talked after what seemed like hours of nothing but pure silence.

However, Jungkook's eyebrows pulled together and formed a crease, mouth parting a little as he tried wrapping his head around what the man had just told him. He didn't believe his parents would kill anyone, no matter who they were.

He wanted to call the other a liar, tell him he was wrong, but his mouth wouldn't form the words. He tried letting it all sink in before he gathered enough power to say anything, but he didn't know if he could believe this.

He couldn't see his parents at murderers—they have never harmed anyone in front of him during all his years growing up with them around and continuously in his life. He has never seen them treat someone within their own pack horribly or morally questionable.

So, hearing this didn't settle with Jungkook right, and he didn't believe anything the man was telling him. Maybe that's why he found himself growing annoyed as he shot the male a cold, hard glare with a visibly clenching jaw.

"You're really pointing the blame on my parents?" He questioned, his voice deep and tone menacing as his eyes narrowed into thin slits while he glared at the blond-haired alpha in front of him.

"It is what happened," He shot back, but his voice was unsettlingly calm as he spoke compared to Jungkook's. Jungkook was getting worked up over what he was hearing, hating how the alpha was pointing the blame onto his parents instead of taking full responsibility.

"Even if my parents had killed yours, that doesn't mean you can go ahead and kill mine," Jungkook had stated in a low tone; a tone that had Hoseok and Yoongi almost trembling from behind him, "What is this? Some sort of revenge plan you had set up?"

"You catch on quick," The blond chuckled lowly, a sarcastic smile plastering his lips as he chewed on his thumbnail. Jungkook rolled his eyes at the remark, trying to calm himself before he lashed out and his wolf took control.

"Unbelievable," Jungkook muttered under his breath, no one catching what he had said as he stood from his chair and began pacing in front of the alpha's desk, fingers running through his hair as he inhaled deeply to try and remain calm.

"Although," He heard the man say, causing him to turn and look at the blond with his hands placed on his hips, "as much as I wanted to be the one to drain the life out of your parents, someone else had the pleasure of doing so. They got to them before I could, and in case if you were wondering, killing off your pack wasn't the plan."

"You might as well have," Jungkook retorted with a scoff, shaking his head as his bangs fell in front of his eyes. He heard a deep chuckle rumble from the other's mouth, the sound sending tingles over his skin and goosebumps to form, his stomach churning and the noise only making him more and more frustrated.

"You're right about that," The blond chuckled once again, a demonic grin on his face as he watched the ravenette pace back and forth in front of his desk, enjoying the way the boy was trying to contain all the pent up anger. "But they did have an alpha next in line just in case if something like this ever did happen."

This had Jungkook stop dead in his tracks, eyes widening a little as he turned his head slowly to gaze at the blond with a slack jaw, "Y-You knew? About me?"

"Mm, you're cute," The blond stated as he kicked his feet up on his desk and leaned back in his chair, "I knew of you. I knew Mystic Shadow had an alpha in line, and I happened to know it was their son who would be taking their place."

"And why didn't you kill me?" Jungkook questioned, curious as to why he hadn't killed him because of the mere fact he was their son and next in line to take over the pack.

"Why would I kill someone who had done nothing wrong?" He raised a brow, voice steady and low as he spoke. His eyes locked with Jungkook's again, and the ravenette didn't know how much longer he could sit here, in this office.

He felt like he was going to be sick. Knowing his parents were gone and there was nothing he could do. He couldn't bring them back, he couldn't turn back time—he couldn't do anything and the thought alone was breaking him piece by piece.

"Why wouldn't you? Knowing I'm their son and could possibly turn out to be like them, I would've thought you would have taken your chance to kill me, or even kill off my whole pack, at that matter," Jungkook stated with a shrug of his shoulders.

"You really don't get it do you?" The alpha hummed as Jungkook's everyones stitched together in confusion, head tilting to the side a little bit as he gazed at the blond.

"What're you talking about?" He questioned, and at this, the blond stood from his seat and nodded at Seokjin, who was stood beside him. The delta nodded, walking around the desk and towards the door to open it as the alpha commanded for everyone to leave.

Hoseok and Yoongi shared a glance with the ravenette, who could only nod and reassure he was going to be fine. The pair nodded as they walked out of the small office space, Seokjin and the other following close behind them as the door shut with a faint click.

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