Chapter 58

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I open my eyes to the sound of something hitting my window. I climb out of bed and see George's owl sitting on the window sill. I quickly open the window and see the parchment ties to the owls foot. I unroll it and read,'Hello Rayla, I just wanted to remind you of how much I miss you. The flat isnt the same without you. Fred just mopes around all the time. He still hasnt told me why he ended things, but then again he hasnt said much at all. He still works but it always halfheartedly, which makes sense since half of his heart left with you. Please consider coming back and talking with him. Well I best be heading to work. Best Wishes, Georgie.' I frown at the thought of Fred moping around all the time. Well I have been doing the same thing but it still hurts to think he is sad. I mean he is the one who broke up with me. I sigh and throw the parchment into the wastebasket in my room. I send off Georges owl and head over to my dresser. I throw on a white sweater a dark grey skirt. I brush my hair quickly and walk down the hall to the kitchen. I have been at the Tonks household for about a week and yet I am still not used to seeing Remus in his pajamas and messy hair. He is always so neat and organized... except in the mornings apparently. He is standing in the kitchen and brewing a pot of coffee. I walk over and sit on the counter next to where he's standing. He laughs and says,"I always forget how much of a child you are. Would you like some coffee?" I nod and say,"Yes please. Also I am not that childish!" He just chuckles in response and hands me a warm cup of coffee. I take a sip of the warm liquid and sigh contently. I really need the caffeine. Tonks walks in and greets us,"Morning you two." Remus walks over and kisses her forehead. I miss when Fred did that to me. I shake my head trying to get the thoughts of Fred out of my head. I finish my coffee and set my cup in the sink. I turn to Remus and Tonks and say,"Im gonna go read. I will be in my room if you need me." They nod and I walk down the hall. 

I pull out the book 'Pride and Prejudice' and sit on my bed. I dive into the pages and smile to myself as Elizabeth and Darcy have an exchange. I hear a knock at the front door and Remus yells out,"Rayla would you mind getting that?" I yell back,"Sure!" I run to the front door and open it quickly. I see Fred standing there looking at me with red and puffy eyes. He really has been crying. My heart races at the sight of him. Most of me want to rush into his arms but the more sane side of me tells me to hold my ground. Fred looks into my eyes and says,"Can we talk?" I nod and step outside, closing the door behind me. We stand in silence for a few minutes before I say,"Why did you do it Fred?" He looks at me softly,"I thought I was doing the right thing. I wanted you to be happy, not stuck with a failure like me." My heart breaks all over again at his words,"Freddie you are my happiness! I never had someone I could go to when I was happy or sad. I never trusted anyone fully until I met you. You brought me into a life of happiness I never knew I could have." Fred eyes begin to water and he says,"You deserve better than me. You deserve more than a guy who runs a joke shop and who left school to do so." I run my hand through my hair,"You are everything I need Fred. You might have left school but I went right with you, because I love you. I always have and I probably always will!" We stare at each other for a few seconds before I give in to my feelings. I step towards him and stand on the tips of my toes. I lay my hand on the side of his face and lay my lips onto his. He stands there shocked for a moment before kissing me back softly. He lays his hand on the back of my neck and smiles into the kiss. We pull away from the kiss when we hear Tonks clear her throat. I look at her shyly and she asks cheekily,"So I take it youre moving out?" I nod and blush a cherry red. I lead Fred into the house and see Remus looking at me confused. Fred surprisingly is the one to explain,"I finally realized just how much I love this girl and I promise not to hurt her ever again." Remus raises his eyebrow but only nods and walks away. I walk with Fred to my room and he helps me pack up my things. 

Fred and I walk into the busy shop and see George stocking a shelf. He spots us and smiles widely. He runs over to us and hugs me tightly. Fred laughs and says,"Careful George. We dont need you breaking her." George lets go of me and asks,"So I am guessing you two are good now?" I nod and he jumps up and down like a child. I laugh and say."You seem more excited than Fred and I!" He chuckles and says,"Ok maybe I think you and I are the only ones able to keep Freddie sane." Fred playfully smacks his brother,"Oh get back to work you dork." George does exactly that and Fred and I head up to the flat. I unpack my things and sit on the bed. Fred walks over to the dresser and reaches into one of the drawers he pulls out the same box he pulled out months ago. He opens it and takes out the promise ring he gave me a while back. He walk back to me and asks,"Would you wear this for me again? As a promise?" I nod and he slips the ring back onto my ring finger. I kiss him and pull him onto our bed. I climb onto his lap and things start to get a little... heated. Fred trails kisses down my neck but he stops when a loud knock comes from the door. Fred groans and asks,"What do you want George?" His brother laughs and says,"I need your help with something downstairs." Fred rolls his eyes and joins his brother in the shop. 

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