Chapter 81

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I bury my face in my hands and my mother lays her hand on my shoulder. I groan out,"This cant be happening!" My mom responds,"I thought you two wanted to have kids?" I look at her and say,"We do! But were not married and we are going into a literal war!" Tears are falling down my face freely and my mom tries wiping them away. I check the clock and say,"I need to get ready before the boys get home. I also need to hide the tests. I cant tell Fred just yet." She nods and grabs the test from the counter. She stuffs them in her bag and says,"He wont be looking in here. Go get ready, darling." I nod and walk into my room. I grab a pair of skinny jeans and one of Fred's old Weasley sweaters. In doesnt fit him anymore but its still way to big for me. I change into the clothes and walk into the bathroom. I lift the sweater and look at my stomach. I know there wont be a bump yet seeing as how the last time Freddie and I did anything that Molly Weasley wouldn't approve of was last week. I rest my hand on my lower stomach and smile. This isnt the best time to bring a child into the world but Fred and I can make it work. I hear the Twins walk into the flat and put the sweater back down. I walk out and hug Fred tightly. He is confused for a moment but hugs back. After we pull away he asks,"Whats the occasion?" I shrug and say,"Just wanted to be close to you." He nods and asks,"Are we all ready? We are meeting the rest of the Order in just a bit." I nod and look at my mom. She sends me a smile and says,"I think we are ready." The four of us walk out the door and down the stairs. 

The Order and I walk through the main door of Hogwarts and I gasp. The school seems so dark. There isnt happiness here anymore. I look over at Remus and he looks like he is thinking the same exact thing. Fred gabs my hand and squeezes it softly. I smile at him and say,"We will be ok." He nods and looks forward. I see Harry from across the hall and run over to him. I slap his arm and yell,"Thats for not sending any sort of message the you were ok!" He frowns and says,"I deserve that." I hug Hermione and whisper,"Thanks for keeping these idiots safe." She laughs and says,"No problem." The Order circles up with nearly all the students. Some people form the Ministry are hear and even some old students. I see Oliver Wood and he waves. I wave back until I hear McGonagall say,"We must put a shield around the school. I believe that I have a spell that will give us some extra protection." Harry agrees and says,"We need to have posts. If Voldemorts army breaks through we must be ready to fight. We need everyone to send up shields and guard their posts." We all nod in response and we start assigning posts. The Twins and I are assigned one of the towers. I walk over to Remus and say,"I love you. You were more of a father to me then anyone else has been." Remus kisses the top of my head and says,"Promise me that if something happens to me that you will take care of my wife and son." I nod and respond,"I promise." I run off to join the Twins and we head up to the tower. Once there we take out our wands. I see one flash of light head into the sky and that alerts all of us to send up our shields. I smile once the castle is fully protected by the shield. Before we can celebrate a flash of green hits the shield. My eyes widen at the sight. Suddenly about a hundred green flashes hit the shield. I can hear the shield deflecting them. The Twins and I lean against the railing and George asks,"You ok, Freddie?" Fred responds,"Yeah." George smiles at his twin and elbows him,"Me too." I close my eyes not wanting to watch as the shield starts to slowly break. I hear someone ask,"Has anyone seen my husband?" I turn and see Tonks standing there. I hug her but pull away when I realize that she isnt supposed to be here. I ask,"Arent you supposed to be with Teddy?" She smiles and says,"He is with my mother. Now where is my husband?" I tell her where his post is and she runs off. The shield slowly starts to fade away and I say to the Twins,"I love you guys." They say in unison,"Love you too." The shield full fades away and swarms of Death Eaters enter the school grounds. I take out my wand and turn around. I look Fred and say,"I cant just stay here. Im gonna go help others down below. The younger kids need to be protected." Before he can protest I run off down the hall. I rush down flights of stairs to reach the groups of students in the grand hall. I yell out,"I need you all to get under the tables and stay together! I am going to lock the door so you will be safe." I run out the doors and then turn around. I use my wand to shut them and use a locking spell. I see a bunch of the Order fighting off Death Eaters. I close my eyes when I hear a voice I never wanted to. I turn around and see Bellatrix standing there chanting,"Poor girl misses her uncle!" She repeats the chant over and over again. I ready my wand and yell,"Stupefy!" She dodges the spell and runs up to me. She pushes me against a wall and sets the tip of her wand to my throat. She cackles and says,"My, my, I got to kill Sirius and now I get to kill his little niece too!" I close my eyes and yell,"Then just get it over with already!" She laughs and says,"Too easy. I think I will save you for last." With that she apparates away. I open my eyes and let out a breath I didnt even realize I was holding in. 

Hours of fighting pass the Death Eaters are at bay for the time being. They have all left but we think they are just plotting. I walk into the school and see rows and rows of people laying on the ground dead. I wipe blood away blood that is falling from my nose. I see the Trio an rush over to them. I walk with them but when I see Remus and Tonks laying next to each other with their hand nearly touching I let out a sob. I drop down in between them and lay my hand on the side of Remus's face. What about Teddy? Harry helps me to my feet and hugs me tightly. We keep walking but I stop in my tracks when I see the Weasleys stand around in a circle. I look around and see Bill, Molly, Arthur, Ginny, Percy, Charlie, and George. I immediately fear the worst when I dont see Fred with his family. I yell out,"Where is he?!? Where is my Freddie?" Tears run down my cheeks Molly has a sad look on her face and George is looking at me like he has seen a ghost. I lock eyes with George and ask,"Where is he, Georgie?" I fall to the ground and sob until I hear a voice echo through the hall,"I am right here, love." I look up and see Fred standing across the hall. I get to my feet and run to him. I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. I sob into his jacket and say,"Dont you ever scare me like that again." Fred sets me down and I ask,"But if youre here... who is being surrounded by the rest of the family. George steps to the side and I see my mother laying on the ground. I scream out,"No!" I sprint to her and kneel beside her I lay her head on my knees and brush her hair away from her face. I close here eyes with my hands and cry. Fred kneels beside me and says,"She saved my life. A Death Eater had me cornered without my wand and was about to crush me with a wall, but your mother ran in front of me and covered me like a human shield. She was hit by the killing curse but she managed to hold on for a few more minutes. I knocked out the Death Eater and sat by your mothers side. Just before she died she whispered to me,'Raise that child well.' Is there something you want to tell me?" I get to my feet and meet Fred's eyes,"I'm pregnant. I found out yesterday. My mother was the one who realized it first. I just didnt know how to tell you." Fred looks shocked but it quickly turns to joy. He smiles and says,"I was planning to wait until after the war was over but here goes nothing. When Georgie and I left earlier it wasnt actually to the Burrow." He gets down on one knee and I cover my mouth with my hand. He looks up at me and says,"I have liked you ever since I saw you on the floor of the train. I knew you were going to be the one I would truly love forever when you told me you loved me in the Astronomy Tower during the Yule Ball. You have made my life exciting. So Rayla Willaims, will you marry me?" He pulls a small black box out of his pocket and opens it revealing a silver ring with a pear shaped diamond in the center. I nod my head and say,"Yes I will marry you, Fred Weasley!" Fred slips my promise ring off and then slides the engagement ring on my finger. He gets to his feet and rests his hand on the side of my face. I lean in and kiss him with as much love I can put into a single kiss.  A bunch of people in the hall cheer and Molly rushes up to me and says,"Im going to be a grandma!" I giggle until I hear George ask,"Wait where is Harry?" We all look around for him until Luna says,"He left a bit ago. He said he needed to do something important." I look at Fred and say,"This isnt good. What if something happens to him?" Fred kisses my forehead then says,"Nothing will happen to him or us. I promise to protect you and the little one growing inside of you." 

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