Chapter 96

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Authors Note: Hey everyone! I need your opinion! If I were to write a Marauders book, which boy do you think should be my main characters love interest? Your opinion really matters to me and I would love to hear from you all. Either comment on this chapter or even private message me. 

I open my eyes to the sound of my name being whispered. I see Remus standing above me and I gasp. He helps me onto my feet and I feel tears falling down my face. I move my hand up to touch his face and he moves forward so I can touch him. I quickly pull my hand back when I can feel his warm skin against my hand. He laughs at my reaction and my heart nearly stops. I rush forward into his arms and he says,"I've missed you too, sweetheart." My face is covered in tears when I pull away from the hug and I smile at him widely before saying,"Well if you couldn't tell already, I'm pregnant." Remus grins and says,"I noticed and I am sure you will be a wonderful mother. Speaking of kids, how's my boy?" I think about all the times I have visited Teddy in the past 7 months. I grab his coat sleeve and we start walking around in the emptiness. I turn to him and say,"He is doing wonderful. I visit him as much as I can. He looks so much like you, with the exception of the famous Tonk's hair." He nods before reaching into his vest pocket. He pulls out a necklace and hands it to me. It has a moon pendant on it and I feel my heart break at the sight. He clears his throat as if he is trying to choke back sadness,"I planned on giving it to you after the war was over, but I clearly didn't have the chance to do so." I turn around and he puts the necklace around my neck. I turn back around and he says,"I see you're still wearing the necklace Sirius gave you." I nod and say,"I rarely take it off. I even wore it on my wedding day so it would feel like he was there with me." Remus grins at my words but frowns when a blinding white light flashes in front of me. I yell out,"What is that?" Remus sighs and says,"It's time for you to go now. You're not supposed to leave Freddie just yet." I yell at him,"No! I can't go leave you again!" Remus smiles warmly and says,"Who says I ever left you? " I reach out to him but I am torn away by an invisible force.

My eyes fly open and I hear fast paced beeping. I look over and see a heart monitor going crazy. I look down and see blood and fluids being pumped into my arms. I take in my surroundings and realize I am in a muggle hospital. I press the 'call nurse' button about a dozen times and a nurse comes running in. She gasps when she sees me sitting up and wide awake. She runs down the hall and grabs a doctor. The doctor and nurse come rushing back in and look at me shocked. The doctor walks over to me and asks,"Do you remember who you are." I nod and say,"I'm Rayla Weasley." The doctor lets out a sigh of relief before asking,"Do you know how long you have been in a coma?" I shake my head and he says,"It will be a whole month tomorrow." My eyes widen and look down at my baby bump. I notice that it is even bigger than it was when I passed out at the flat. I look back up at the doctor and ask,"Does that mean I am 8 months pregnant now?" He nods and before he can say anything else I yell,"Where in the hell is my husband?" The nurse and doctor are shocked at my outburst and the nurse can only squeak out,"I will call him right now."

About an hour passes of me waiting for Fred to arrive and I really start to grasp the fact that I have been out of it for a month. Fred sprints into the room followed by the rest of the Weasley family. Fred rushes to my side and takes me into his arms. I feel his tears falling onto my bare arms and that's when I also start crying. He lets go of me and says,"I thought I was going to lose you and the baby! Don't you ever do that to me again." I look into his eyes and ask,"What happened." This time it's Molly that responds,"Your blood pressure dropped fatally low. Your heart stopped once while you were in your coma but the doctors managed to get it going again." Fred kisses my forehead and I say,"Can I talk to you alone?" He nods and looks at Molly. She gets the message and says,"Well how about we go to the Burrow and wait for her to get out of the hospital. The Weasleys flood out of the room and into the hall. I kiss Fred as softly as I can. He raises his eyebrow and asks,"What do you remember?" I pull Fred towards me so he is sitting next to me in the hospital bed before saying,"Well I remember the night we had dinner. I was feeling super dizzy and tired. I know that the glass I was holding shattered before I passed out. Then suddenly I was in an empty room. It almost reminded me of the room of requirement at Hogwarts. I opened my eyes to my name being called. Remus was standing above me and he helped me off of the ground. I was scared at first but then I touched him and felt warmth. We talked for a while until this blinding light flashed in front of me and I remember yelling out his name because I didn't want to lose him again. He simply said,'It's time for you to go now. You're not supposed to leave Freddie just yet.' Then I was pulled out of the room by some force and woke up here in the hospital." I dont want to tell him about the necklace just yet. I bring my hand up to my neck and feel cold metal. I feel the pendant and realize I am wearing not only Sirius's ring, but also the necklace Remus gave me in my dream state. I smile to myself not wanting to spoil the moment. 

I walk into the flat with the Twins happy to be home. I take off my shoes and smile in relief. I take in the familiar smell of cinnamon and smoke. The only reason it smells like smoke is because the twins like to experiment with fireworks in the flat sometimes. Luckily they promised to stop doing that as soon the baby is born. I rub light circles on my huge belly but stop as soon as the door is swung open by a disheveled Draco Malfoy who yells out,"Where is she?" I laugh and walk towards him. He hugs me tightly and whispers,"I'm glad you and the little one are ok." I pull away from him and ask,"What are you doing here? I thought you were in the States." He chuckles and says,"I heard you were awake and took a plane right back here. I was scared I would loose the person who helped me after the war." I grin and say,"Nope, Im to stubborn to leave you guys." Fred pats Draco on the back and says,"Why dont you stay for dinner. I mean you to barge into our flat, might as well stay." Draco's face flushes and he says,"Oh, sorry about that. I sadly cant stay for dinner though, I promised to visit Teddy today." I nod and hug him goodbye. 

I toss and turn in bed but just cant get comfortable. I guess being in a coma for a month makes you not want to sleep. I turn towards Fred once again but this time he lays a hand on my cheek. He rubs my skin with the pad of his thumb and my stomach flutters at his actions. I press my forehead against his and smile. I never want to leave this boy. He make my whole world turn. My world was dull and lifeless before I walked onto that train in my first year at Hogwarts. But he sparked something in me. I lean forward and capture his lips with mine. Tear falls down my face and when we pull away he says,"Whoa love, whats wrong?" I smile through the tears and say,"Thats just it, there is absolutely nothing wrong. You put my life into perspective when we met and I couldnt be more happy. I love you so much." Fred pecks my forehead and says,"I love you too." I take his warm hands and put them on my cold belly. The baby starts kicking at the feeling and I giggle. I look up at Fred and say,"They already know their daddy's presence." Fred pulls me closer to him and whispers,"If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my perspective, then you would truly understand just how breathtakingly wonderful you are." I smile and know that everything will be just fine as long as I am with Freddie. 

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