Chapter 11

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George and I rush after Fred as he storms into the common room to find Harry and Seamus. I spot Seamus talking to Neville near the window and suddenly he is being threatened by Fred. I can only hear bits of the conversation but the sentence I hear the clearest is, "No more bets on who can break a girls heart or so help me Merlin I will have you on the ground." My eyes go wide and I look at George and he has he same look on his face. Fred looks to his right and sees Harry,Ron, and Hermione walking down the stairs to the common room. Fred swiftly makes his way towards Harry. Before Harry can say anything he is pinned against the wall by his shirt and Fred starts yelling at him,"If you ever make a bet like that about Rayla or any girl for that matter I will personally make your life a living hell." As Fred curls his hand into a fist and gets ready to punch, I run over to him and take his hand in mine. "Fred, listen to me. Dont hurt him. Youve scared him enough. Lets go. I just wanna go back to my dorm." I say as soothing as I possibly can be. Fred shakes his head then lets go of Harry, and as soon as his feet hit the ground he is running away. I lead Fred out of the room and into the hall. We stay silent for a long time until finally reaching my dorm. He breaks the silence and says, "Im sorry I did that in front of you." I shake my head and say, "Fred Weasley dont you ever apologize again for trying to protect me." He smiles down at me and hugs me. I smile into his chest and snuggle in closer. I soon realize that we have been hugging for a while now and I pull away. I then say, "Thank You." and kiss him on his cheek. He again shivers from the coldness of my lips. I smile at him once more before walking into my common room. I rush into my room and throw myself onto my bed and sigh. I really do have a huge crush on that red headed dork. 

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