Chapter 89

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Fred spins me around the dance floor and I cant help but giggle. We are finally married and it feels like my life couldn't be anymore perfect. I'm in Fred's arms again and he whispers,"I love you so much and I am so happy I get to call you my wife." I blush at his words and whisper back,"And I am happy I get to call you my husband." The first dance ends and other people start coming to the dance floor. I lay my head on Fred's chest and he asks,"Is something wrong, love?" I look back up at him and say,"I just wish the people we lost could be here. I miss them all so much." Fred kisses my forehead and says,"They would have loved it. I am sure they are watching from wherever they are and thinking,'Wow. She looks beautiful.'" I smile and kiss him. I spot Hermione and Ron dancing together and Ron sends me a smile. I turn to Fred and say,"I am so glad they are finally together. I thought they would never admit their feelings." Fred chuckles and says,"Well it did take us about three and a half years." I roll my eyes playfully at him. Molly comes up to us and says,"There is someone who would like to speak with you." I raise my eyebrow and Fred grabs my hand. We follow Molly outside of the tent and a smile forms on my face as soon as I see who it is. Andromeda Tonks is standing there with Teddy in her arms. I havent been able to see him since I first met him. Andromeda smiles at me and says,"I thought you would like to see your godson on your special day." I nod and she hands me the baby. His green-blue hair is sticking out of his little hat and I cant stop a few tears from rolling down my face. He looks so much like his parents. I kiss his forehead and his hair goes pink. I meet Andromeda's eyes and she says,"Now I just want you to remember that you and Harry can see him whenever you wish. My daughter and Remus would be so proud of you." More tears fall down my face and Fred wipes they away then kisses the side of my head. Teddy starts to cry and Andromeda says,"I hate to say it but I think it is his bedtime." I nod and hand the little Lupin to his grandmother. Fred and I walk back into the tent and people are still dancing. I see Harry and walk over to him. He sees me and hugs me,"Congrats!" I hug him back and ask,"That was your idea wasnt it?" He pulls away from the hug and grins,"I have no clue what youre talking about." I shake my head and thank him. I walk off and start talking with guests. I reach my sister and her husband and she says,"I am glad to see my little sister get married." I smile and say,"Well I couldnt have chosen anyone better." She laughs and I continue to talk to guests. George and Angelina come up to us and hug us. Angelina says to me,"Looks like you'll have your hands full with a baby on the way and Fred working in the shop. If you ever need help just let me know." I nod and say,"This would never have happened if it wasnt for you. I have always known you were an amazing person, but I just couldnt stand to watch the man I loved with someone else. So thank you for making me admit my feelings." She giggles and says,"Do you want to hear a secret?" I nod and she says,"I didnt really have feelings for Fred, I liked George so I said yes just to get closer to him." I smile and say,"Looks like it turned out good for the both of us then."

Fred sets me on the bed and kisses me softly. We just got back to the flat and it is about 2 in the morning. The reception seemed never ending. I ask Fred,"Can you help me with my dress?" He nods and he helps me slip out of the dress. The fabric pools at my feet and I step out of it, leaving me just in my undergarments. Fred turns to me and says,"I know that the wedding night is supposed to be super romantic but I can tell the mama is tired from dancing all night and I think she should rest." I smile at his words and say,"I am very tired and sore. Especially since mama didn't have a baby bump when she tried on this dress." Fred's eyes go wide and he looks down at my stomach. The slightest bump is showing and I only noticed it this morning. Fred kneels down and kisses the bump. He says quietly,"Hello in there. This is one of your creators speaking. I just want you to know that mommy and daddy cant wait to meet and you." He stands back up and walks over to the closet. He grabs out a pair of my sweatpants and one of his sweatshirts. He hands them to me and I get changed quickly. He changes into some shorts and stays shirtless. We lay in bed and I snuggle in closer to him. I intertwine our hands and say,"I love you, Mr. Weasley." He kisses the top of my head before saying,"I love you more, Mrs. Weasley." 

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