Chapter 57

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I slam the door shut to Fred and I's room and lock it swiftly. I yell out in frustration and fling myself onto the bed. I run my hands through my hair as tears start forming in my eyes. Fred just told me he thinks we should break up. We have been doing amazing lately and then out of the blue he drops that bomb onto me. I hear a knock on the door and I yell,"Go away Fred!" I hear from behind the door,"Wrong twin." I sigh and walk over to the door unlocking it. George opens the door and brings me into his arms for a hug. I hug him back tightly. He rubs circles into my back as I sob. He softly says,"I can tell neither of you want this. Freddie is crying downstairs in the storage room. I have no clue why he even told you that but he truly doesnt want to." I pull away from George,"Why in Godrics name would he tell me that then?" George studies my face,"I dont know. But I think you should go and ask him that yourself." With that he walks out of the room and into his own. I think about what he says but decide against it. I quickly pack my things into my suitcase and grab Artemis and her cage. I walk out of the room and down the stairs to the store that closed hours ago. Before I walk out the door I slide the promise ring Fred gave me and set it on the front counter gently. I quickly rush out the door and to The Leaky Cauldron. I step to the counter and ask for floo powder. I pay the house elf and he hands me the powder. I step into one of the hearths and throw the powder while saying the address to Remus Lupin's home. 

I open my eyes and see that I am standing in front of the Tonks home. I giggle to myself realizing Remus and Tonks live together now. I walk up the steps and knock on the fairly large door. Tonks opens the door and looks at me quite confused but her face softens when she sees my tear stained cheeks,"Come in sweetheart." She steps inside leading me with her. The warmth of the home makes me smile a bit. I see Remus walking down the hall and his face brightens when he sees me in his doorway. He comes up to me and hugs me. I hug him back and he asks,"What are you doing here dear? Not that im complaining." I pull out of the hug and say,"Fred broke up with me and I didnt know where else to go." Remus's face goes cold and he grabs his wand saying,"Im gonna make that boy wish he wasnt born." Tonks and I both grab him and I say,"It's fine Remus. I dont need you going and breaking anyones bones today." He looks at Tonks and relaxes a bit. He sighs,"Well you can stay here with us for as long as you wish dear." He kisses the top of my head and then leads me to a guest room. He opens the door and I take in the room. It's quite simple. It has a queen sized bed in the corner,a nightstand next to the bed, and a dresser across the room. I turn and say,"Thank you Remus. You and Tonks are lifesavers." He chuckled and buries his hands into his pockets,"Well im gonna be in the kitchen if you need me. Good night Rayla." He nods to me and walks out shutting the door behind him. I set my suitcase down and put Artemis's cage on the dresser and open the door to it. I run my fingers on top of her head. She closes her eyes and hoots softly. I smile but Fred's words echo inside my head. Does he not love me anymore? I change into my pajamas before climbing under the covers. I shiver a bit not being used to being alone in bed. I cant help but start crying again. I still love him more than anything.  

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