Chapter 37

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I sit with the Weasleys and Sirius at the dinner table finishing up eating. I am sitting between the Twins. I listen in on Molly whispering to Sirius,"We need to tell her Sirius." I look over at Fred but he seems to have not heard his mother. I say,"Tell me what?" Everyone looks a bit shocked at my loud voice but Sirius clears his throat,"Your aunt,the one who took you in last summer,your fathers sister, has been killed. By a certain dark wizard. It is said that he killed her because she wouldn't give up your location." I blink way the tears that threaten to fall from my eyes. She was my escape from my father. She took me in over the summer and helped me get back into Hogwarts. I stand up and say,"Excuse me." I walk up the stairs and into Ginny and I's room. I shut the door quietly and sick to the floor. I silently cry until I hear a light knock on the door. The door opens to reveal Fred and George they both walk in and sit beside me. Fred pulls me into his arms and George runs his hand over my hair. George says,"We are so sorry about your aunt. Is there anything we can do?" I sniffle a bit,"Just stay here with me?" They both nod and hug me tightly. 

After a it we walk back downstairs where everyone is sitting in the living area. I walk over to Sirius and he hugs me tightly. I pull away and ask,"So who is this werewolf you were talking about? The one that loves me as much as you do?" He chuckles,"Ah yes, that would be Remus Lupin, your godfather." I raise my eyebrows,"My godfather is a werewolf?" Sirius nods,"Yes he is. He cares about you deeply. He was your mothers close friend at school. Luckily your mother was only a year younger than him and I so it wasnt to weird." Ron interrupts,"Wait Professor Lupin is your godfather? He tried to kill me." I laugh and say,"To bad he got to it before I did." Fred and George laugh at that. Sirius glances at the clock and says,"I hate to say it my dear, but I must go. I have some things to plan. Just remember that I love you and if you ever need me I will be there." I nod and hug him. He walks out the door and turns into a dog. He runs off into the night and I lean against the door frame. Fred comes up from behind me and wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek. I smile and turn around to face him. I pull him down to my lips and kiss him gently. I pull away and whisper,"I love you." He whispers back,"Love you too." We walk back to the rest of the family and say goodnight. I walk into my room and gently lay in my bed thinking about my amazing uncle and the godfather I hope to meet soon. 

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